...and continued digging...
"Is Salaark, I mean, the Overlord your grandmother?" Rem's eyes went wide while her mouth hit the floor.
ファンタジー · Legion20
The Royals looked at the scene, then at each other, and then joined the Empress on the stone floor.
ファンタジー · Legion20
ohh could this be a plot of Jirni to resurrect Phloria ?
"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to remain alone with Phloria. There are so many things that I wanted to tell her yet I never did. Now, the time has finally come."
ファンタジー · Legion20
Phloria Ernas had just finished dining at the Phoenix's Nest with her date and they were taking a digestive walk in the gardens of Assar, the capital of the Ernas region. It wasn't exotic, but being so close to home made her feel safe.
ファンタジー · Legion20
hm first time i make the connection it could be...nana told tista an lith about what they would become ..
"Baba Yaga or Nana will do. We are not close enough for you to call me Malyshka." She replied.
ファンタジー · Legion20
Manohar my man! i knew it! even death cant't shackle you!
"Gods, this is why I don't deal with idiots. I don't speak stupids, but this time I'll make an exception." The man rolled his eyes and snorted in annoyance. "We fight with who we are, not with what we have."
ファンタジー · Legion20
The tower's Sentries had canned and recognized the intruder, reporting the threat at hand as a code white.
ファンタジー · Legion20
its's you who IS in a...
"I'm fine, dummy, and so are our baby girls. It's you who are in a hospital bed." He said, forcing her to lie down.
ファンタジー · Legion20
red flag
Having no way to win that argument, Lith just shrugged and walked away. He waved his hand to her one last time before walking through the Gate, joining his family in the Desert.
ファンタジー · Legion20
good vodka has no smell
The liquid smelled like vodka but had the color of blood.
Supreme Magus
ファンタジー · Legion20