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2018-12-19 入りました Brazil
バッジ 10

Moments 2021
3 months ago

So maybe that’s why Kirika’s disguise worked?

"Well, we can't underestimate anyone." Elsa smiled wryly as if she had experienced a dark past because of underestimating someone. She explained, "When you have seen people utilizing their spirits, you'll be more sensitive to Spiritual Energy. You can easily discover their power when they're utilizing their energy."

System vs Rebirth

System vs Rebirth

Fantasy · Fixten

3 months ago

So there are no stealth abilities? If simple espionage is immediately punishable and found then Kirika should have already been found and disposed.

"That's not possible. First of all, the Demon Banner Army has their elite captains and their commander. If we're sneaking around, we'll be found out immediately. And the implication after that is severe. We can create a war between two kingdoms or simply make the royal family accuse our family. 

System vs Rebirth

System vs Rebirth

Fantasy · Fixten

3 months ago

*in dealing with all manner of guests

"…" Noel's eyebrows twitched. He could finally understand why Ilzen was the butler. The way he presented something he needed the most and how he answered all the questions while trying to lower his anger, it was clear enough he was very experienced in them.

System vs Rebirth

System vs Rebirth

Fantasy · Fixten

3 months ago

Now I wonder if Ardagan requires a sacrifice or the condition that it’s user be alone in the world.

"My father?" Noel furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding the reason for this action. If they wanted, his parents could simply leave the country and seek refuge in Ezenholm Family. They might lose their wealth, but with his father's skill, it shouldn't be that hard to get it back.

System vs Rebirth

System vs Rebirth

Fantasy · Fixten

3 months ago

Not enough to start a war but surely some taxation pettiness may occur(especially Ezenholm products).

"It's the will of Sir Rancart. He wants to help you, but because you're in the Muivell Kingdom and he is in the Greenwood Kingdom, he can't do anything unless he's planning to create a war between the two kingdoms." Ilzen explained. 

System vs Rebirth

System vs Rebirth

Fantasy · Fixten

3 months ago

Hard to imagine someone would unless the thing won’t taste nasty. Judging how rich he was he’d be a whine guy not a beer one(and this is old times beer).

A moment later, Noel stood in front of a bar and examined the building. He could handle some alcohol, but it had been quite a while since he last drank one. There was a kind of craving for one, but he didn't come here for that. 

System vs Rebirth

System vs Rebirth

Fantasy · Fixten

3 months ago

She was the one the organization used to make him follow their agenda it seems.

She fell silent, realizing something. It seemed that she had never thought this much. "I have been with Noel this whole time, so the chance for Kirika to reveal her identity is never present. Should I give my spot to her like how it's supposed to be?" 

System vs Rebirth

System vs Rebirth

Fantasy · Fixten

3 months ago
Replied to JustSomeFreeUser

More like “random meeting guy doesn’t even remember” losing heroine. It’s more a trope than a stereotype as I recall a tsundere that went through that(though that was a harem so she wasn’t loser per se).

When she was seven years old, she was left alone in a middle of a banquet. Everyone scrutinized her because she was chubby. So, she left to cry by herself in the garden, but she met a black-haired kid who was sitting in the garden this whole time. He was none other than Noel Ardagan.

System vs Rebirth

System vs Rebirth

Fantasy · Fixten

3 months ago
Replied to Dog2354

He’s seven. Seems he doesn’t get that people may pick on you for no reason yet.

"I said I'm too lazy. If I have to make a connection, then I simply have to make them go to me themselves. I'm too lazy to go to them. I already have a job which is to succeed the house and make it better, so why do I have to work more to make relationship when I can do just that by making my family better?" 

System vs Rebirth

System vs Rebirth

Fantasy · Fixten

3 months ago

*Marquis Stargaze

"No. I'm not suspecting Noel to be backed by the Supreme Devil Organization. But Noel, who has a grudge against the Royal Family and Marquis Ardagan, will surely become a great pawn for them. Now they know the existence of Noel and his talent, I'm afraid they're going to approach him soon."

System vs Rebirth

System vs Rebirth

Fantasy · Fixten