EntityLXX - Profile


LV 12
2018-12-11 入りました Global

バッジ 9

Moments 208


I don't recall much, but that makes him almost similar to Lucifer, right? Lucifer supposedly has immense willpower, which is what makes him incredibly powerful besides being an archangel. His will is what allowed him to escape The Presence function/plan. Heck, MC's ring should crack and have its constraining functions be overriden at some point, just like how The Dawnbreaker cracked his own ring due to his immense will.

Replied to EntityLXX

I believe that fanon was perpetuated by a famous fanfic writer on fanfiction.net a while back. Don't remember much, but I belive the story he made was some sort of crossover with Shirou being isekai'd.

From there I was pretty sure I could morph it into some bastardized version of Artoria's Mana Burst. Without the problems Shirou had with his dogshit mana capacity, I was sure I could get it down. It made Artoria, someone who's relatively weak compared to most high-level melee servants able to go face-to-face with a madness-enhanced Heracles.

Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!?

Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!?

Book&Literature · Niggross


Isn't Shirou having bad or below average mana capacity fanon or something? From what explanation I've read, the only bad thing related to his mana is that he made a lot of artificial circuits which had caused a lot of pain, but other than that his mana supply is actually decent.

From there I was pretty sure I could morph it into some bastardized version of Artoria's Mana Burst. Without the problems Shirou had with his dogshit mana capacity, I was sure I could get it down. It made Artoria, someone who's relatively weak compared to most high-level melee servants able to go face-to-face with a madness-enhanced Heracles.

Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!?

Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!?

Book&Literature · Niggross


Yeah, it doesn't. A lot of fanfic writers seem to not know this when it comes to both Lung and Hookwolf. Keep mentioning about why people hadn't gun them down already. Both of them got base Brute stat. Hookwolf himself tanked some sort of multi-ton glass shot from Shatterbird at base form, if so I heard. Also, yeah, the Empire would've already tried that stuff on Lung.

The thought of shooting him in the back of the head enters my mind, but I wasn't sure that'd work even on his base form, otherwise the Empire would have done it yet. Plus, If I distracted him for long enough wouldn't he start devolving? He only gets stronger when in combat, so unless his power counts verbal spars as 'combat' it should work...

Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!?

Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!?

Book&Literature · Niggross


Could've given the MC better character development moment here. Dude was picked up and helped by a selfless woman when he had no roof over her head. The least he could do is respect her teachings by being kind and helping someone else out. Dude had already failed his adopted mother through a series of dumb decisions, as it is. Didn't listen to her decision of just running away; attracted too much attention; failed at being discreet by being too emotional, suddenly, at the wrong place and time; and walking a thin line by taking out MANY ABB members deep within their own territory -- not even caught, somehow. How people still think that it might be Stormtiger or Hookwolf is beyond me. Could've just made the ABB think that it might be a seperate, independent cape seeking revenge, yet dude still made it obvious with the claw reminiscent wounds. Here and several paragraphs back showed just how much he doesn't care; him: the person who dissed the PRT and Protectorate for not being more proactive in taking down the ABB. The ABB, outside of Lung and Oni Lee -- the responsibility of taking them out is actually suppose to be on other federal law enforcement agencies. It'll be different if the gang's Tinker or Thinker or Master supported, then the PRT and Protectorate got to push hard on the normals of the gang.

"If you don't want to be saved then say so, I've got better things to do than save some worthless junkie."

Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!?

Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!?

Book&Literature · Niggross


Ain't the Poseidon from the Nasuverse actually nice to Medusa? He was the one who gave Bellerophon to her. It's Athena who she actually hates.

"Who said I wasn't already dead? Just this opportunity to tear apart you Greek gods, even if Poseidon isn't also here is worth any pain and another death to add to my tally." Medusa hissed with her magic-filled gaze freezing the lesser monsters with magic resistances not strong enough to shrug off her passive certification.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

Anime & Comics · Azazyel


Lords of Order speaking up should've been enough proof to Batman. But, the again, despite seeing magic infront of his eyes and even having magical league members around him, he had always have that skepticism to him, so this is pretty much not out of character for the Bat.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

Anime & Comics · Azazyel

Replied to EntityLXX

Below me*

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

Anime & Comics · Azazyel

Replied to EntityLXX

Although it may be illogical that Alaya would counter a threat from another world in the first place, we can probably just say that Alaya had managed to parse through the many time-lines of the DC universe and have deemed this Zeus to be a threat that needs to be eliminated for the sake of the humans in DC. Unlike the Zeus from pan-human history in the Nasuvere who serves as a foundation for human history, actually loved humans, and wanted to see them live and flourish, the Zeus from DC ain't like that one. Therefore, Alaya's gon send its agents to eliminate the threat.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

Anime & Comics · Azazyel


Alaya is the collective unconsciousness of mankind in the Nasuverse, an alter-ego of Gaia, the planet Earth itself. Happened because humans managed to gain the planet's Seat of Primacy after managing to flourish on Earth as the Age of Gods came to an end and bring about the Age of Men. Alaya is the thing that has access to the Throne of Heroes where people of widespread fame or directly contracted by The Counterforce itself will have their life's achievements and feats recorded into, and they'll also be stored in there as Heroic Spirits. The Throne of Heroes is pretty much a safety mechanism/assurance for human survival/advancement until the Age of Men ends and humans advance into the Age of Will; the Heroic Spirits will be deployed to counter any sort of being that threatens humanity. What Jake wants to attempt here is to basically use Iri as a gateway to the Nasuverse/Throne of Heroes, thereby extending Alaya's reach and perception into the DC universe.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

Anime & Comics · Azazyel


Conceptual advantages for the win.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

Anime & Comics · Azazyel


Conceptual advantages gon be hella useful despite power differences. Guess that's the reason why the Nasuverse got pulled in as a crossover. Noice.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

Anime & Comics · Azazyel


You definitely got Thor's character right, even though he doesn't have much dialogue.

Rogers nodded at him with a serious but appreciative look while Thor who had his other palm on Loki's shoulder waved his hammer at his direction with a smile while his voice boomed "My friend! HaHa-"

Psionic (Marvel)

Psionic (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · Moziel


I like how he's playing it safe in a world where anything seems possible.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

Anime & Comics · Azazyel


Nice. Play at his pride lol.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

A Hollow in DC and Beyond.

Anime & Comics · Azazyel
