

female LV 10

Don't expect much from me unless I've been praised lately

2018-12-06 入りました New Zealand
バッジ 13

Moments 8
2 years ago
Replied to peter3135566

I'll try my best, thank you ❤❤❤

2 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

2 years ago

as someone in the southern hemisphere who is currently in summer... I'm gonna go to the beach now.

2 years ago

I'm gonna be honest, I was hoping this wouldn't end with her marrying into royalty. she can co parent or they can go live in the woods or something. be a strong independent person. also, no child grows up to be happy, healthy, humble and mentally stable in the conditions of royalty. I've been loving the unique premise so far but.. we'll see

3 years ago

I'm not an artist by any means, so don't expect much >_<


I lay down on the floor, resting my head on the floor, my wings slumping in dejection and tail swinging. In the past 6 months since my birth I've changed quite a bit, appearance wise. My little horn nubs had started growing out, but the way they grew confused not only me but also my parents. I guess they can't grow normally with a pair of tiger ears in the way. Instead of growing backwards and curling up like you'd think, they instead grew around, hugging my ears, before heading down and sharpening into blade-like points. Kind of like goat or ram horns, but slightly different and way sharper. They were coloured black like my wings, but have grooves in the beautiful midnight blue of my eyes. At first I thought they were ugly, but they've grown on me, and I now find them lovely. (Check paragraph comments for a rough sketch of how her horns look.)

Hybrid Tales

Hybrid Tales

LGBT+ · kapiti

3 years ago

Cosette really just wants to take away anything and everything Lumielle loves/is close too. Also there is almost definitely an affair between the old hag and the deadbeat father.

3 years ago

HELLO!! I am just your average shameless author here to shamelessly write about my book. I won't say it's the best you'll ever see, but hopefully it's fairly decent for my first. This book is about the MC and her siblings going on an adventure to find and reunite with their parents, and hopefully find some new friends and family along the way. What I think are the good points: -Not all of the siblings get a romance partner, although they all get character development and stories. -MC isn't insanely OP, but also isn't weak. -I'm not gonna do that thing where you immediately make the MC fight certain death, so you can say it's kinda slow paced. -Fluff UwU. Both sibling dynamics (I do have siblings so it will actually be realistic) and some nice pink atmospheres between the MC and FL. Thanks to anybody who takes the time to check this out!!! Love you all (platonically)

3 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

  • World of beasts original

    World of beasts


    Qiao Ai is a Chinese Expat living in Australia. Or, well, she was. Now, she's dead, and doesn't even know how she died. All she got after death was an annoying creature yapping in her face! She ended up getting sent into a new body in a strange new world with no humans, no semblance of science, not even basic bronze age civilizations. How is she supposed to live in a world filled with stupid beasts?!?! She's gonna have to do a whole lot of invention to live comfortably, and maybe improve some lives while she's at it. *** This is a non-human reverse harem. The MC will have both men and women in her harem so be prepared. There'll be smut, and maybe gore in this train wreck. There is probably going to be 5ish love interests. Also the circle of life, death, injury, children etc. etc.***

    13 Chs 66 お気に入り

  • Hybrid Tales original

    Hybrid Tales


    Nicole is so very tired of humans. Every time she turns on her phone, she's bombarded with bad news. To the point that when she dies, her only wish is to be reborn as a monster or something. We all know the anime Th*t time I reincarnated as a sl*me, right? She wanted to end up like that. Except less epic conflict and more exploring a fantasy world and nerding out about magic. Maybe her wish was answered, because when Nicole woke up, she became a baby monster. A one of a kind Hybrid one at that! Loving monster parents, Doting older siblings, even her dear, beloved Magic!?!? She was living the good life! Until, as always, human did their thing and ruined it all. Nicole is forced out of her small comfort zone prematurely, and while she does now get the opportunity to explore this amazing fantasy world with her young siblings, it isn't without risk. She's on her own reluctant epic journey! She'll need allies other then her family for it, if she wants to fight her enemies, and If she's lucky, she might maybe even find a hot fantasy girlfriend! Let's hope homophobia isn't a thing!

    13 Chs 7 お気に入り