

male LV 12


2018-11-05 入りました Indonesia
バッジ 9

Moments 7
2 years ago
Replied to Nokatozuki

add since larkinson coin about to go out, if a customer have larkinson coin (solemn guardian) if they use the solemn guardian glow it will enchanch it up to 50% but the coin will become consumable (did not have a glow anymore). it will also became a break point for the reason using larkinson coin

2 years ago

IT'S NOT A MECH Project name : Larkinson Heart chosen name : LC-001 design spirit : Everchanger type : cockpit ______________ the key of ves larkinson advance is design spirit it have been there since balckbird so he have to find a way to make the spirit advance and one thing for sure is the abudance of spirit either for special attack and it's growth. like how everchanger can use diffrent spirit to use they special attack, everchanger can also be a hub to connect spiritual that it harvest from mech pilot and give it to acording spirit. larkinson heart is a cockpit that have exactly like everchanger that can channel a "vervied" design spirit but just 30%, since it was a tech so a fabricating it should do able to a novice mech designer. and since coustumer just got a bit of the taste they will search for a better one "the mech larkinson has already made" so even it was not a mech it can bloom the name of larkinson, and since it was made by ves and excpected gloria is also included the cockpit will give the best expirience for the mech pilot. verivied deaign spirit is the one that ves allowed to channel to the larkinson heart

3 years ago

1 chapter only ?

4 years ago

aw, my favorite genre but why there is BL, 4 is my highest skor for the apocalypse and game element so it skor don't drop by much, but sorry i'm not gonna look into it good luck with your novel tough

4 years ago
Replied to ParadoxLoop

No its 1 chapter every 2 day i think

4 years ago

Advance user until what chapter the war is going, i want to stack it till it over

  • Alpha [The Beginng] original

    Alpha [The Beginng]


    At the beginning there is absolutely nothing in this univers, and through out series of event and massive amount of luck the univers being born, proton become active creating a pulling force that create a massive material and through out time it no longger active and as time goes on the material is explode and the first big bang happen in the empety univers as time goes on series planet emerge a billion or even sexalion solar system is being born, and just by cause earth is being born a planet that capable support a living being trough a passage a time and survival to the fit's humman manage to stand on pinnacle of earth, but if ever you wonder that the reality is not what we know all along, there is no big bang and there is no miracle on process of univers of being born. so what is our destiny is it that we know the truth or the truth that will come find us. This is a story where we uncovered what is exactly happen, why is it happen, who should we ask, when is it start or even when is it gonna end, where we have to search, and who is responsible over all this.

    9 Chs 42 お気に入り