I think there's a slight problem with redundancy in some paragraphs. That, along with the lack of in-depth descriptions in many scenes, makes me think you're using AI to help you write. My opinion on the matter aside, you should try correcting those redundancies and expanding the descriptions; it'll make the reading feel more organic.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nota de autor : toda critica es bienvenida y ayudas o sugerencias para la historia. se que el sistema es algo lento y es un sistema basico pero recuerda que solo da 1 de xp y 1o 2 monedas por zombi , el prota es solo un humano con mucho entrenamiento pero sigue teniendo limites , el sistema ayudara a pasar ciertas barreras y facilitar ciertas cosas , a medida que sube de nivel sera mas fuerte , pero no quiero que de un cap a otro sea un dios mas o menos o que consiga poderes ultra op de algun anime ni nada tan asi pero ya iremos viendo, leere sus sugerencias.
Anime & Comics · Nameless_19
That is even a plus.
Pd: aviso desde ya que pueden haber cambios en la historia más adelante que no tengan que ver con twd, por si esperabas algo 100% twd no será así .
Anime & Comics · Nameless_19
When Lucian did it, it made sense, since despite being young, he had been training for years under the guidance of someone very experienced. Nico and Bianca defeating so many with just a week of training and a pair of OP weapons devalues their enemies too much; basically, no one is strong if they are not a main character, regardless of whether they are a demigod with years of training.
As silly as it sounds, I loved the scene where Lucian kneels before his father as the cursed knight's armor materializes over his body and vows to bring down the lightning thief.
So what's your favorite moments… (I mostly do these things for an ego boost. I just love to see what people enjoy most when reading what I write. It's such a good feeling)
Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3
This is the most annoying part for me about Luke's sequence so far: that it moved so absurdly fast from sequence 9 to 6, because the early sequences seemed tailor-made for him. Even Lucian, the creator of the sequences, had to put in a lot more time and effort to understand and digest his sequences.
Lucian's grip tightened as his voice darkened further. "You can swing your sword at me all you want. I'll gladly endure it—if you can even manage to land a strike. But pointing it at her? That's a mortal sin I won't ever forgive."
Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3
Yes, that is a problem in itself.
On the subject of Dusk Elves, it had been the first time that Oleandra had taken a sentient being's life. However, seeing as one of them had tortured her, one could excuse her for not feeling too much remorse at the bloodbath she had inadvertently caused. As the days passed, she stopped seeing the Dusk Elves' faces in her nightmares and eventually, her dreams went back to the usual cryptic visions of the Tree of Terror, Yggdrasil. Yay, fun.
Book&Literature · Azure_Abyss
While I'm still enjoying the story, it's exhibiting exactly the kind of problem I thought it would have ever since Scott's powers were explained. The power scale is getting insane, not only is it already at a point where nothing in the series could really be a danger, but even this super-killing squad of super-rare and powerful supernatural beings is about to make the entire pack even more powerful. In thirty episodes God himself will have to come down to fight Scott.
Charlie would make a great waifu, but I almost want her to be left alone so she can be happy with Vaggie. I'm not that attracted to Lilith as a waifu, it always feels weird when the incest is with the mother.
The rape was actually unnecessary. And leaving aside the super dark and brilliant mental landscape of Eclipse, the fact that all the canon characters he saved are dropping like flies in such out-of-the-blue situations makes it feel like neither the protagonist nor his actions up to this point have mattered.
The Walking Dead: Reborn in the Apocalypse
Anime & Comics · Nameless_19