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LV 5


2018-10-27 入りました Global

バッジ 9

Moments 16

Replied to Ascalon_Monfir

Yeah, but he still starved to death…

She and Jim had been kindred spirits, uncertain, afraid. Neither had been able to properly adjust to Pangera, or what they had become. In some ways, she felt that Anthony was happier to be an ant than he'd been as a person. Almost as if he were born to be a monster.



Fantasy · RinoZ



"I had a good life and I wish you one as well. Please, keep an eye on Lith for me and kick Orpal's ass."

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

Replied to soustak

To play devil’s advocate, they are probably used to protecting their secrets , and menadion was the ruler of flames , making it her jobs to lead forgemastery

"Every bloodline adapted and evolved Menadion's Mana Well their own way and I'm not going to share mine with you. Infusion is a preparatory step like Bonding or Runesmithing. A good Forgemaster needs to amplify their mana during the enchanting process."

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

Replied to Texteel

I believe she did as a reaction to the convo about quylla core possibly breaking, to like tell them to stop talking about sad things

"Today you're allowed to have only happy thoughts, Lith. Otherwise I'll kick your ass. I'm nowhere as gentle as Elina." Selia went to help Rena and Nalrond with the triplets.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

Replied to Nicholas_Gagliardo

Probably cause constables torture a lot, so knowing anatomy would help

"Flexing a muscle is easy." She said while giving him a warm smile to emphasize the concept. "A hand, instead, is made of several bones, muscles, and ligaments that need to perfectly coordinate between them to perform their duty.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

Replied to aedwards_120

It was mentioned earlier that there Is raises for contributions

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

Replied to Artem97

It could be possible that the towers run through the dungeon

The third stratum remains a point of fascination for many researchers due to several of its unique properties. For similar reasons, the various powers of the world make it a priority to establish and maintain vast swathes of territory within this region of the Dungeon. The first reason for this is obvious: the world pillars. To my knowledge, no successful attempt has ever been made at destroying one of the vast columns that support the overworld. Whatever material they are made of, it certainly isn't plain stone. There have been many who simply sought to mine or study it, but even with advanced tools they were unable to so much as scratch them. Which isn't to say that we know nothing about them. The outside of the pillars appears to be a layer of self-regenerating stone, similar to Granite, with a very high resistance to temperature.



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to Cael_Schmadeke

Why not , Nobles and royalty still exist and they will treasure such things

[Complete Diamond Carapace. Expands the range of Diamond coating to cover the entire exo-skeleton.]



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to DonutGuy640

The orign actually lies with the Romans, centurions and legions are actually ranks in the Roman military

[The leaders of the coup against me and a century of soldiers from a neighbouring kingdom]



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to Justsomedude2021

Wisdom? I dont think thats a character

Once again I'm treated to the horrific sight of the main body somehow unfolding to reveal that dreadful maw filled with razor teeth! Only this time the entire process takes place in miniature, the fanged mouth is probably too small to fit an apple in at this point.



Fantasy · RinoZ

Replied to DeadEye12

Not necessarily , There have been swordsman that use 2 swords such as miyamoto musashi

After an hour of practice, he realized he could use both left and right arms with the same level of expertise. An idea then came up in his mind, what if he used two swords on both arms, would that be a good idea? He had never heard of any knights or any warriors using two swords, doing so might be good. Hence, he decided to check that out once he returned to the Magus Academy.

Earth's Greatest Magus

Earth's Greatest Magus

Fantasy · Avan

Replied to Firaenial


"Let me tell you a secret. Manohar would never attend a black-market auction. He would simply 'liberate' the ingredients from criminal's hands in the name of the 'greater good'. His own." Jirni's words derailed his train of thoughts.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20
