Its not a matter of how strong his eyes are, its about how complete his information is. Whenever you see an abitily like this its always being used by a system (which are just about all powerful and and all knowing), while the mc on the other hand probably doesn't even know the name of his next door neighbour if they didnt have some plot relevance. Its that kind of lack of information that would lead to overconfidence after simulating a future based on your knowledge.
Compared to Tsukuyomi, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto was far more potent. When used strategically, its potential was staggering.
Anime & Comics · Jixo
Not to rain on anyone's parade but that is the most useless justu for anyone without meta knowledge (and even then its a big if wheter it won't stab you in the foot). Fugaku who has it naturally shows its one glaring flaw, that its based on your knowledge of the world. Unless you have meta knowledge, and even then without the ability to read minds and perfectly know intentions, strengths and weakness you are going to get over confident in your percieved advantage in information and end up jumping to conclusions and making ill informed decisions. My point being i would never bank my safety on what i think(beleive) is my enemies strength or weaknesses in a world of ninjas or shounen anime in general, where power creep is very much a thing.
Compared to Tsukuyomi, Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto was far more potent. When used strategically, its potential was staggering.
Anime & Comics · Jixo
Or is there?
[There is NO system!!!]
Anime & Comics · Un1que
Here be redheadsHere be redheadsHere be redheadsHere be redheads Here be redheadsHere be redheadsHere be redheadsHere be redheads Here be redheads
"This is... SPARTA!"
Anime & Comics · XElenea
[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Sukhman Singh! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]
Anime & Comics · Bleam
[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Sukhman Singh! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]
Anime & Comics · Bleam
[This Chapter Is Sponsored by Red Rabbit! Everyone, please thank him in the comment!]
Anime & Comics · Bleam
If i hadn't already invested hours of my time across several weeks into this book this is where i'd drop it. Coming into this knowing its a translation doesn't make sh** like this any less stupid.
The next morning, Mirai hired a nanny to care for Itachi and Sasuke. Mikoto packed her things and officially moved into Mirai's home.
Naruto: Saving the Universe by Stealing Attributes
Anime & Comics · Jixo