

male LV 5

I like Jjk and Dune especially, but I guess there are some other stuff I tolerate of its well written

2018-09-19 入りました United States
バッジ 6

Moments 784
5 days ago
Replied to gali_milici

It's Star Rage, not a gravity CT. There is a clear distinction between the "mass" being manipulated and Kenjakus gravity manipulation.

It was incomplete, like a message that the owner had not managed to finish.

Cursed Eyes (Itachi in JJk)

Cursed Eyes (Itachi in JJk)

Anime & Comics · FreddySZN

8 days ago

King Von had enough k1lls to get some call of duty scorestreaks...


"Don't forget the earthquakes and crime, too," Mathew said offhandedly, his attention back on the city streets. Eventually, the city streets eventually gave way to sprawling suburbs as his father entered a large neighborhood near Beverly Hills. "Then again, Chicago may be hard to beat when it comes to crime."

Living Next Door to the Dunphys (Modern Family)

Living Next Door to the Dunphys (Modern Family)

TV · TikTak012

27 days ago

Instead of outright giving money to Max and Caroline, he could have their business be the main catering for his projects

Three days later Alex paid a visit to the dinner using one of his skills to hide his real self. It doesn't completely change his face, but simple hide his presence in a magical way to help him go unnoticed by others. [Refer to CH: 1]

2 Broke Girls x 1 Rich Man [TV series 2 Broke Girls ff]

2 Broke Girls x 1 Rich Man [TV series 2 Broke Girls ff]

TV · UnknownMaster

27 days ago

No country for old men is probably in my top 5 best movies ever

He had followed up Forrest Gump with a string of back-to-back hits: Titanic, Argo, No Country for Old Men, and his latest The Hurt Locker.

2 Broke Girls x 1 Rich Man [TV series 2 Broke Girls ff]

2 Broke Girls x 1 Rich Man [TV series 2 Broke Girls ff]

TV · UnknownMaster

27 days ago

I wish you would say it's the Dystem instead of being nebulous and mysterious. It would make sense for him to be "Savant-like" in anything the System deems an objective or hurdle.

"And you wrapped up 2 days' worth of shooting in a single day without anyone complaining," She responded. "That's rare. And the number of retakes is also minimal. I don't want to say this but did you go to some academy or something? Where did you learn directing?"

2 Broke Girls x 1 Rich Man [TV series 2 Broke Girls ff]

2 Broke Girls x 1 Rich Man [TV series 2 Broke Girls ff]

TV · UnknownMaster

27 days ago

if he picked unlimited funds. How did he write Forest Gump? Just some willy nilly person would not be able to just whip up a complete script no matter how prodigious their penmanship is.

I kept my withdrawals modest, careful not to raise suspicion. A few hundred dollars here and there were enough to keep the landlord off my back and give me a semblance of stability. I even splurged on a secondhand ergonomic chair and a cheap but functional desk. No more hunching over the laptop on the mattress. Oh, I also upgraded my laptop to a cheap and affordable one.

2 Broke Girls x 1 Rich Man [TV series 2 Broke Girls ff]

2 Broke Girls x 1 Rich Man [TV series 2 Broke Girls ff]

TV · UnknownMaster

27 days ago
Replied to Jarod_Lane_8547

The big Dawgs would AKA the SEC

[Entertainer: Capitalize on creative talents—music, acting, or writing.]

2 Broke Girls x 1 Rich Man [TV series 2 Broke Girls ff]

2 Broke Girls x 1 Rich Man [TV series 2 Broke Girls ff]

TV · UnknownMaster

3 months ago

Lol Falmuth is going through a recession.


One silver coin is equal to $10 U.S. Dollars, so 30 bucks total to enter The Dungeon. 

I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross)

I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross)

Anime & Comics · theogbasilisk

3 months ago

Great re-write, in my opinion. It improved upon, and the dialogue is significantly more fluid. Also wanted to say for anyone wondering, this is a cross post from QQ. So if you can't wait, go to QQ for the up to date chapters.

4 months ago
Replied to ArtoriaPendragon_

Even if the Jedi forms don't translate to sword to sword combat, do you really think that they can't beat some willy-nilly men at arms. Think about it Jedi or force trained individuals in SW fight against laser shooting people with a melee weapon, just the experience alone would make any a better fighter.

He was aggressive, and held his sword with uncharacteristic nonchalance. His blows were light and quick, serving simply to probe openings in his opponents, yet when one of them overreached, he swiftly knocked him down with a blistering blow to the nape of his neck.

ASOIAF: King of Winter

ASOIAF: King of Winter

Book&Literature · PrinceOfNilfheim