

male LV 14

The way is simple, yet not simple. If one wanted to know, one have to search for it him/herself. My acc got reset. Thanks Qidian :)

2018-09-16 入りました Global
バッジ 10

Moments 18
2 years ago

Author you know Nascent means the beginning/start of something right? nas·cent /ˈnās(ə)nt/ adjective (especially of a process or organization) just coming into existence and beginning to display signs of future potential. Why does this come after Heavenly? IMO it should’ve went Nascent > Earth > Heaven > Divine But you do you author…

2 years ago
Replied to _Alenkar

There is Yahweh in Marvel.

2 years ago
Replied to _Alenkar

There is.

2 years ago

2 years ago

Before the daily chapters: 12/10. After the author made it daily chapters: 6-7/10. Now, you might’ve been thinking: what? Isn’t daily chapters good? Aren’t you getting it reversed? The answer is: No. Because what I meant by daily chapters are not chapters that are released daily, which is good, but rather referring to the phase in the novel where the author, who after some time, decided to switch up a little in regards to how he writes the novel by making it daily chapters. It used to be a normal, you know, way of writing. Like 95% the way a novel is written. But after some time, the author decided to write the novel as you would write a diary. So for example, the story would go a little bit like this: imagine that for a chapter, it would start with a random day, and let’s say that it is today, Friday, 29th of July, 2022. The rest of the chapter would tell what happens in this day, with almost all the event told. That’s it. It usually also goes on for a couple of chapters, so 1 day in the novel could be like 5 chapters. Next chapter/s after that would be the day after, (so that would be Saturday, 30th of July, 2022) and it also filled with whatever is happening that day. Again, this could be going for a couple of chapters. Yeah. Do you see it now? The author did this after about chapter 100+-, I don’t remember exactly, and in that point in time, in the story, it was around September-October (again, I don’t remember exactly). Now, after reaching chapter 300+, the time in the story is December. So about 2,5-3 months of story progression in about 150-200+ chapters. … I don’t know what to say… But that’s not to say that the story is bad, no. Infact, as you may already know by my rating at the start of this review, the story itself is interesting. It is very very good in my opinion and fits perfectly into my (current, at least) taste. Even after the daily chapters, I found the content entertaining. There are many many parts that are unnecessary and are just plain fillers, yes, but the truth is, for me, the story, characters, and some other things stays to be interesting. Hell, I even started spending money on this website/app because of this amazing novel (you know, cause of premium and that) when before I discovered this novel, I would just use FPs and sail the 7 seas searching for treasure (if you know what I mean). It’s just that I will not deny the little feeling of regret that came to me these days. It came from the author’s inconsistency of uploading. Look, author-san, or whatever you want to be called. I can stand the fillers but I just can’t stand the feeling of having no chapter to read when it’s time for new chapters to be uploaded. Please, just write consistently and you’ll always have my coins.

2 years ago

2 years ago

I don’t know what to say, really. I just recently got into fanfics so I can’t really say anything but from what I’ve read, this is really good. Keep up the good work author.

2 years ago

Even after all this, the novel is banned. Wow.

There were all kinds of cheers and screams. There were people who were sincerely shouting, "Long live the People's Republic of China," while there were also people singing along to the national anthem and shouting, "I love you, China."

I'm A Baller

I'm A Baller

Urban · Short'nin' Bread

2 years ago
Replied to PathOfZen

Wrong thread lol. Haha

2 years ago

Ah no, it’s ok, I just have difficulty to explain things properly, so it took me so much to even talk to people, me commenting was a rare occurrence. I also knew about his confidence, just our view is a little different about it and I just couldn’t explain it properly, so I didn’t include it(and I may have forgotten about it due to how long it took me to type). Anyway, I got your point now, and I find quite agreeable. Also, I like about how you found time to reply to basically every single comment, even the ones that are a bit harsh on criticising. Keep up the good work Author!