pls don’t. you’ll spoil the surprise 😔
"Orrrr, maybe, he's avoiding eye contact because he's afraid of what he might accidentally say." Noah suggested, raising an eyebrow. "I think we have our first target to try and get some information out of."
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Thanks for the chapter 💚
Thanks for the chapter 💚
Thanks for the chapter 💚
The last hit made me laugh 😆 Thanks for the chapter 💚
Thanks for the chapter 💚
Thanks for the chapter 💚
Idk how to feel abt this 😭 Thanks for the chapter 💚
I hope Noah won’t tell Jake if he ever guessed abt the adoption. It be more touhing coming from the Adult Atkins
Noah scoffed. "It's an old movie that I used to watch a lot as a kid. It had baseball in it. It's not like I'm a movie buff that remembers all the details. Particularly details that could be relevant to why everyone is acting a bit strange."
The Hitting Zone
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