
LV 14
2018-09-07 入りました Global
バッジ 7

Moments 76
12 days ago

It’s unfinished so I don’t recommend it. Characters get forgotten so the main character can power up without being slowed down. The world is not very interesting. Upper realms are just a way to make a world seem like it has scale and depth. But in reality it’s a series of locations without relation that the main character visits to get a power up. The plotline with a higher realm suppressing a lower realm gets used twice as well. Overall a mediocre experience.

2 months ago

Worth a read. Main character is a low key cultivator like in the top tier providence novel. I like him, instead of hogging resources, killing everything in sight, he prefers to dorgive others and let’s them integrate into his orthodoxy. Granted there’s a power incentive, but at least he’s smart in his use of his advantage. To make up for the lack of direct action by the main character theauthor does focus more on the kingdom building aspect. The large cast might get confusing, but it does help that they rotate often, so you don’t get bored. The lore behind the transmigration and everything feels deliberate, and nothing really surprising or unbelievable. I do think the book suffers from the higher realm situation. And the ending is maybe a tad rushed, but not unsatisfying.

4 months ago

It’s decent. Characters only have one defining trait. Common for a comedy novel. The main character is the same. They all try to be low key but it doesn’t work out. That concept gets ditched by the end of the first major arc. The story arcs can be enjoyable. My problem is that the characters with plot armor aren’t nearly as impressive. The main character for the most part is omniscient and predict their every move. You don’t feel like he’s under threat at all. The other big issue is that the immortal world arc drags on for too long. The worldbuilding isn’t interesting in that arc as well, so it’s painful to get through.The author should have trimmed the fat on the novel. It’s not the worst thing I’ve finished. Give it a shot.

4 months ago

Read 166 chapters. Starts long arc with no particular importance to the plot. Very little happens with no end in sight. No interesting characters either. Skip it.

5 months ago

It’s short and relatively fun. It’s a lowkey main character novel. Most of the plot revolves around him manipulating events while he stays hidden. The worldbuilding is decent until the tail of the novel where it gets a bit convoluted. Suffers from a large cast. Characters get forgotten. They all tend to be one dimensional. Jokes tend to get recycled a bit too much after being overused. The cultivation system makes less sense as time goes on in my opinion but it doesn’t hurt the reading. A bit generic but worth a read.

5 months ago

Read to chapter 747, got bored. Might finish it one day. Overall I really enjoyed it. I love stories about travelling to new worlds, learning the power system, and using it to create a new one. It also helps that the will of worlds in this story also don’t like transmigrators, so there’s stakes and actions have to be planned carefully. I think the main character is pretty good. He can be a little bland, most of the time he’s just manipulating people to build power, which can be a little uninteresting when you see it in most of these novels. I do think he’s at least a little intelligent. He takes risks, but is careful to not expose his hand too much. He also makes great use of avatars to build up force and make moves without it leading back to his main body. I like the worlds he travels to for the most part. There is interesting background, politics, etc. my big problem with the book is the author tends to repeat wizard worlds and cultivation worlds a bit too much though. Part of why I can’t get to the end is because this world is another wizard/bloodline/god world. Only other issue I have with the book is the first twist is a little random to me but that’s fine. It’s a good read. Give it a try.

5 months ago

You can skip this one. It’s short, and the quality hovers between absolutely awful and mediocre. So it’s digestible to say the least. The system ability is poorly defined. The MC is entirely lacking in creativity at time and at other times he can come up with good ideas randomly. The characters are bland, junior sisters that are obsessed with the main character should really just disappear. World background is bland, could have been interesting but the story kept taking sharp turns out of nowhere, and then it rushed to a horrible ending. Seriously, you can skip it. Don’t let your fear of not reading every novel on this platform trick you into reading it like mine did.

8 months ago

Read 640 chapters then jumped around to the end. Was decent but around chapter 500 the story started to get worse. In part this might be due to the plot formula changing. Instead of being a mix of generic comedy with some exploration and worldbuilding, it devolves into boring action scenes. You will have to read dozens of chapters, and the only reward is a tiny morsel of plot. It started off decently but the stakes ramped up to insane levels and ultimately to an unsatisfying ending. This is not worth the read.

8 months ago

Finished it. No need to read out of fear of missing out. Got tiring to read around chapter 350. The story progression comes to a grinding halt as we go into a 200 chapter arc that overstays its welcome. The drawn out fights are the worst part of this story. The author canon write combat, so dedicating multiple chapters works against them. Common tropes infest every chapter like a plague. Tropes in itself are not bad, but they get employed in uninteresting ways. The main character is a cookie-cutter MC. Supporting characters get pushed aside frequently. World building could have been good but the plot stalled.

9 months ago

Read 322 chapters. Translation quality heavily declined after it came back from hiatus. Was pleasantly surprised when it was brought back but maybe that was for the best. Since the main character is immortal, there should exist other methods to defeat him, this way the story could have moments of tension or excitement. That leads to a major problem with the story, lin fan gets abilities to cover up these weaknesses very conveniently. Can he be sealed away? No, he gets immunity to seals. Can the enemy run away? He gets an eye ability that forces them to attack him. This works regardless of the opponent’s cultivation level. This wasn’t always a problem. At the start he’d get weird niche abilities such as being able to catch any blade barehanded, no matter how quick. Even if the story didn’t have action, having a system give very unusual skills could open up doors for comedic events, but the author stopped trying to make interesting skills early on, opting to give lin fan skills that would make him invincible. Had the author invested more time into developing the world or the characters, perhaps the story could still feel interesting. Maybe we come to love a character and they die, which could lead to some emotional moments for the main character. As of the point where I stopped reading, there’s no sign of this occurring. The author invests very little time in side characters, bringing them back only for a couple chapters on very few occasions. Additionally, if they’re in any kind of danger, lin fan saves them in the nick of time. There’s neat worldbuilding sometimes but you have to get through a lot of filler fights that follow the same tropes. Either it’s grunts being eviscerated by lin fan, and he uses the eye when they run. Or a stronger enemy kills him repeatedly, and when they get tired, they try to run away. So he uses the eye to stop them. Cue everyone being impressed and he tries to act humble because he’s not strong enough yet. Basically, the main character sucks but we’re stuck following him all the time. Read any of the author’s book but this one.