The minister stood frozen in absolute fear as he saw Dragon's eyes. He recognised that gaze. The one that held no emotion other than the want for complete and utter destruction of everything.
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They were the same eyes he saw in another ninja he feared. The terrifying Snake Sannin - Orochimaru.
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Silence reigned for several seconds before the unknown man spoke. "Dragon. My name is Monkey D Dragon."
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The Minister and his wife saw the face of the intruder. A tall middle-aged man with long spiky black hair with a widow's peak with a bright red colored tattoo on the left side of his face.
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Soon everything outside became quiet. But before the two could relax or find out what was going on, they saw a blue slash cutting through the door vertically.
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Jon Arryn let out a long-suffering sigh and collapsed into his chair.
Book&Literature · Dragonspectre
The less said about the North, the better. The North had risen leaps and bounds in economic and martial power out of all the kingdoms. House Stark, in particular, had accumulated power, wealth and prestige, the likes of which Tywin Lannister couldn't even dream. They were so strong that it worried him a little until his little birds confirmed the rumours coming from Sunspear.
Book&Literature · Dragonspectre
Blackfyre ....
Book&Literature · Dragonspectre
It wasn't unfamiliar to him—he had seen it before. As the disciple of the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju, and having once faced Madara Uchiha, he understood its significance.
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