Nymph walk at his master and said," Master i can see that Zeus is overheated to …. The Master of Synapse use it continues and he did not wait to Zeus to cooldown"
Anime & Comics · LittleApple
her *fate
Older Harpie can't help but to accept her faith, she hurry change on to a long summer dress with a sunflower pattern.
Anime & Comics · LittleApple
*not to lazy
The girls did not hear him because their busy watching TV but not the Older Harpie,she angrily said,"Hey i come here to fight now to lazy around!"
Anime & Comics · LittleApple
*too young
Chaos want to change position with Nymph but she said," You're still young to exchange place with me"
Anime & Comics · LittleApple
As if they plane it, in the beginning, Ikaros come behind Xin and start to wah his hair.
Anime & Comics · LittleApple
Xin nod,"We'll help yourself"
Anime & Comics · LittleApple
*going to be
Sohara nervous said," But-But is he doing to be alright?"
Anime & Comics · LittleApple
Xin stop her and said," I'm, not your master anymore so you can be more formula in front of me you can call my name"
Anime & Comics · LittleApple
A woman
Li Xuezhu mentality collapsed.
Super Dimensional Guild
Anime & Comics · Takamiya_Shin