
LV 14
2018-07-27 入りました Global
バッジ 12

Moments 92
3 years ago

I hope your wrist heals properly!

3 years ago

That's good he told her. I wonder when he'll tell her his dad is Jupiter?

Luna was aware of my real backstory. I had explained about my rebirth from another world. I had left out some of the more fantastical bits around Jupiter, being my father and all that.

Don’t Just Hit Restart, Change Games.

Don’t Just Hit Restart, Change Games.

Fantasy · OneHugeNinja

3 years ago

So Luna told him her tragic past a whole ago. When is going to come clean with her and tell her his real story?

3 years ago

I really hope she doesn't leave her husband just to go to her fan. Yes Li has been disappointing and how he's reacted to and handled the situation. she has also not done her part by never speaking up or making clear to him her wants and needs, referring to be the cool character type as she's written to me. they are both at fault from where their marriage is. he did not draw boundaries with his mother and she did not draw boundaries with him which has led the situation they are in now. also the fact that they aren't going to see marriage counseling is sad. if they truly love each other and truly have the dedication and love to make their marriage work and are willing to change, because how they are currently will not keep their marriage. I would love for them to go through counseling to be honest and open about how they feel about how everything's going on instead of just Little bits and snippets to each other while us the third party see what's going on. but if this follows what has typically been done in the situation they'll divorce and she'll marry her fan and he'll be left bitter and alone because he didn't treat her good enough. which would be wrong because while that is true they each did not treat each other good enough. they haven't communicate with each other how they are honestly feeling but what they're going through. he feels like he's just killed his mother and part of him obviously has some blame or put some blame on her because he's a human being and never learned how to draw boundaries and was manipulated quite harshly by his mother. and she never drew boundaries with him so that her needs are met, instead of just being silent and suffering through it. they both have not let each other know what each of them need from the other and so they never know that they needed to change. it doesn't matter the outside influences that can "see everything" if they never honestly sit down with each other have an opus honest trusting and loving conversation, even though those can hurt an awful lot, then they will never change and grow and say their marriage. he has admitted to the fact that he has not been a good husband and father, and that's the first step. whether he will take the rest of the steps and that they will take them together I really hope so.

3 years ago

I hope he can draw boundaries with his mother's relatives and everyone else and if he wants to keep his family he needs to focus on them and not anyone else. If he doesn't change and forgive himself and his wife their marriage is gone. I hope they can stay together but only if they both draw the right boundaries and make the changes they need so that they can live properly and get rid of this emotional blackmail.

3 years ago

You can only do that if you are "unfilial" to you mother. In the bible it's a commandment to honor your father and your mother and it also says that a Man leave his parents and cleave into his wife. There are some other scriptures that clarify that even though you honor your parents you form a new family, separate and independent of your original families and that your spouse, specifically wife, trumps, is more important that your mother. You can honor their sacrifice without them controlling your life, especially in a toxic relationship, like the one portrayed with his mom

"Beibei, I will treat you well for the rest of my life. I will treat you well. Believe me." As he spoke, Li Li couldn't help choking up.

Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon

Urban · Emperor Song

3 years ago

If you truly cared for her and your promise to her father you would have trained her and/or taken her with you, even if you didn't take her into your confidence, instead of giving her objects that can fail.

3 years ago

I hope they stay together and he's drawing boundaries with his mother. They are both tired from their situation with their own viewpoints but things can't continue as they are now, things can't continue as they are now obviously. they both will need to figure out what boundaries need to be drawn to keep their family and marriage if that is they're priority. they might have to give up some important things that aren't as high of priority as their family and marriage.

3 years ago

He needs to draw his boundaries with his mother. Did he want his son to grow up without a father like he did, not the same situation I know? You married each other not his mom. When you get married you form your own unit, Independent of your original family unit. at least it should be independent from them.

3 years ago
Replied to Tomoyuki

Then they aren't the kind of person you want reading your story in the first place.