Darkone33 - Profile



LV 15
2018-07-15 入りました Global

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this is probably another one of those AI written books. it's the only thing that makes sense for a lot of the mistakes and random things that I see in the book. most likely they wrote a summary for how they want each spot to go and then the AI fills in everything. The sad thing is that the AI does not understand a lot of things. like how a conversation works. usually when two people are talking, one person completes their thought or point and groups all of their thoughts or points together into one section. and then if another person interrupts or says something then you'll see that section ended and the next person's part of the conversation beginning. and they'll usually end each one with so and so said so you know who's talking. this person separates the conversation into each point they're trying to make. so if I was trying to say three things in a conversation, I have three separate speech blurbs. and there's no indication for who's talking in each blurb. you just have to figure it out through context. so I have no idea if we started with the protag or if we started with the other person. and since you separated out what should have been a paragraph into three separate blurbs, I'm thinking that the first person spoke and then we switched to the second person, but no, it's the same person talking in all three speech. speech blurbs. and then the other person will say something and it's the same thing. he gets three speech blurbs and then we go back to the protag . and since there's no clear indication of who said what, who started what you've just got to figure it out. then there's how the plot is depicted in the book. they're always trying to foreshadow or allude to stuff to make the story seem like it's deep and multi-layered. with all this conspiracy and other stuff going on, that you're not aware over that they're not seeing or something. but because of how he writes it most of it is just really confusing. I end up having to literally reread the same like five sentences six times. to try and figure out what just happened cuz I'm missing something. or scanning the comments to see if somebody else figured it out and posted about it. and if nobody did, I just end up waiting five, six seven chapters to see if it just pops up and then it'll all make sense. like a lot of this book is like that for me where sentence structure, grammar, and other just normal parts of English speech is just terrible. like, you can't read this and go yep that makes sense. I'll post that today. and then there's the plot itself. Don't get me wrong, this person did have some pretty good ideas on things. and the way he presents it, as here's the original plot, that you're introduced to. now. here's that same plot under a microscope. The main character missed a few details because he wasn't smart enough to figure it out. Cool. that makes sense. I like that. but things like him not understanding how marriage works, as well as his actions with a bunch of the other people still hinders a lot of the plot to me. if you are betrothed to this person, that is going to be your wife. you first need to take a main wife and then decide what you're going to do about anyone else. you don't get to literally send out betrothal invites to anyone and everyone. no one is going to accept that, no one is going to allow that. especially when all of these are Noble houses, with the last one being from the Queen's daughter. none of these 500-year houses are going to allow you to make their new heir the consort unless you were of extreme value and wealth. like the new Prince of the Kingdom. and this person is not. so once you tell the maid, that I am marrying you and making you the legal first wife, you shut the door on all of these other Noble houses. especially the Queen's daughter. and you need to own that. instead of immediately going for the Harem ending. then there's his description of how action works in a scene. he literally goes, I swing my sword and cut into her chest. and the next sentence is she takes a step back and blocks my strike. that's not how that works. if I just cleaved into you almost splitting you into, then you're dead. there is no. I stepped back and blocked afterwards. but he does that a lot. and it's really weird. or stuff like, this person is horribly exhausted almost dead on his feet and it's somehow Powers through, kills three bosses, plus 300 soldiers, and then levels up at the end. Make up your mind. is he making a suicide charge just to go fight real quick, or does he still have that much left in the tank. The book is a frustrating to read, hot mess. I would not recommend it. The author needs to learn how to write himself and redo the entire thing. or at least edit what he already wrote

Replied to Darkone33

let's be clear. when I was first reading this I liked this. The way he evolves as a whole is decent. The way they portray his ability to go into this alternate world and start killing things to get stronger isn't bad. and while I'm reading it I had no problems except for a few things like what the guy said about his parents trying to push him and his sister together. That's just plain weird. if you have literally raised this kid as your own this entire time, then even if your children are not blood related, it's weird to suddenly start trying to push your kids together. like honestly, I was rooting for him to just get with the girl he saved and stick with just her. he did not need to add everybody else after the fact it was unnecessary. but even with them adding harem into the mix, it was still good for a decent amount of it. but like I said there were literally parts where they just wasted a bunch of the potential or just flat. forgot a bunch of it. I'm literally giving you extra skills, extra spells, and extra abilities on mass. so why is it that in 50 chapters you have literally never used a single one of them? 100 chapters goes by you have not updated how you fight. as if you literally forgot you gave them the ability to spit fire, throw ice etc. then there's the main character's personality. The main character literally does not grow as a whole. the entire story long. he says the exact same things, steps into the exact same holes, and is still just generally dumb. Even though he's literally eating fruit that gives him an increase in IQ every time he eats one. it's one thing to try and list it as a personality flaw or something like that. but you literally cannot say 500, 800 chapters in that the main character has not changed at all. by literally going through everything you've gone through and literally fallen in as many holes as you've fallen into and been slapped for doing it. you have to have learned at some point. or else you're literally just doing the exact same thing every single time . The same s*** that got you in trouble the last 10 times. and finally there's the ending. it is the most lazy lackluster ending I have ever seen. it's like the author just wanted to be done with the series. he put no forethought into it, no effort or work into it. and it leaves you literally wondering how everything goes. what happens to everybody afterwards? after solving part of the main issue, how does everybody else respond? it literally answers nothing except for, everybodybwho I hated is dead and I'm going to marry my harem now. him blowing up worlds and updoing. other ridiculous s*** the consequences are not shown. so who knows how the cards lie afterwards. it's like ending the movie right after Thanos snaps his fingers and then sits down. I was so disappointed. I almost threw my phone.


just poorly written and poorly translated. and that's really frustrating because I like the premise. The premise is, what if you woke up today in a porn book? all of a sudden you realize, that you're some side character about the die chapter 1 in this book. literally. the main character who is female, sleeps with every guy she can get a hold of, and just happens to survive a catastrophe. what would you do knowing that half the reason, that the world is going to s*** is because she slept around with too many men and it caused an issue. so he tries not to die while also preventing what she does from destroying the world. interesting promise. however, whether it be through how the author writes it or the translator translates it, it is almost impossible quite often to figure out what's going on in the story. entire paragraphs don't make sense. there are moments where the grammar ships between this person's now and he instead of a sheen, and certain ideas that they're trying to convey either don't make sense or aren't conveyed properly. there are multiple times where I was lost trying to figure out what was going on. and it took me multiple paragraphs to kind of peace together that this was the grand plot. and that this was the main thing he was trying to do to stop it. then there's character development. a lot of these characters are blips. basically. they have no personality, really of their own. they show up for all of 5 seconds, and then they're gone for like 5 10 chapters. if this person fell in love with the MC and you rescued her from a bad end, she should show up more than just 10 10 chapters out of 100. same thing with all the other characters that are in this. it doesn't really feel like they're characters. it feels like their footnotes. and then there's the fighting. it's like he skips over the entire actual fight and just gets to the end of it a lot of times. so like we get to this point, and he's about to fight some dude, and he goes I summon a large thunder cloud. and now he's dead. and everybody's in shock and awe at what happened. so impressed. and we the reader are just like what happened? did he fail to dodge? did he put up a defense? nothing is explained, it's just he's dead. so it's like a lot of it is just kind of gone after that and it's kind of frustrating. I almost kind of want to rewrite this myself. with it making sense, with it more fleshed out with better characters, and with a little more thought about certain points that weren't quite fleshed out, that should have been. there's just so much of this that could have been good. that isn't. I don't recommend reading it.


it's a lightsaber. either highly superheated flame like a torch or literal light like a laser. there would be no blood as it would cauterize the wound after going all the way through.

The lightsaber didn't stop even after extinguishing Jack's skills but went on to cut off Jack's entire arm off from his shoulder. An unending jet of blood began to gush out of the hole where his limb should have been.

Release That Succubus

Release That Succubus

Fantasy · different_minds
