Lunarguard - Profile



LV 5


2018-06-23 入りました United States

バッジ 12

Moments 1372

Replied to Lunarguard

and maybe Hades depending on how he is written

INTERLUDE 6: Reasonable Olympians (An Oxymoron)

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy


so what hestia

INTERLUDE 6: Reasonable Olympians (An Oxymoron)

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

Replied to Foosh

wasn't the Charizard born from a Charizard and Dragonite

"To inspire such loyalty in your comrades, to the point that even one of my own children would bare their fangs at me. Arceus chose well, little human."

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Others · Harry_Dresden

Replied to Alcula

people are dumb

(A.N. and just because I know people are going to try and claim so in the comments, Gary is NOT going to turn evil just because he lost to Ace. He's just never got his ass beat this badly.)

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Others · Harry_Dresden



Kidney Stones and Testicular Torsion made him double over in agony and scream a silent, futile scream into the void. Whatever Trigon's 'demonic' body considered kidneys were shredded to bits and pieces by what was basically shrapnel from the inside out. Even worse than the Kidney Stones was the infamous Testicular Torsion cast. With my MAGIC beyond magic, Trigon's balls were twisted straight off his body.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

Replied to Olivalu

the egg it never is specific with the type of egg so if can be an egg from way before the chicken could exist

The entire classroom had stopped talking or trying to cast and was just looking at him with looks of awe and envy on their faces. Hermione Granger seemed to try to disintegrate him with her glare and Neville Longbottom was glaring hatefully at him for some reason.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr

Replied to Deedat_Khan

same but then when i notice I'm doing it it just stops working and I leave the book alone for a while to rest it

Harry had known about this for a while and hadn't told anyone. Because who can he trust to confess his fears, dreams, and sorrows? Harry Potter was alone, and that was a sad fact that isn't likely to change anytime soon. Oh, his teachers tried, but in the end, they were primary school teachers that were overworked and had to deal with dozens of brats every day.

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature · athass_prkr


man that white T-shirt sure is black isn't it

I bend down to pick up my least favourite white T-shirt that somehow looks the same as the day I got it. It is the obligatory deathly hallows t-shirt every Harry Potter fan must buy. I used to be very fond of it at one time, but I guess I got bored of it at some time. It has the figure of death at the centre of the deathly hallows, spreading its wings and its arms. It is all black except the white elder wand at the centre.

Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin

Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin

Book&Literature · DreamyApe

Replied to Iceling


There was a slight crunch and munch in the background as Mew shifted a bucket of popcorn into existence to watch the show. Sure, the popcorn was technically still Mew but it all ended up in the same place. Some might call it self-canabalism. Mew was above such petty, human descriptors.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

Replied to Guy85

more like


Her words were followed by the sounds of crashing, "Director! Put down the gun! N-No! Don't shoot him!... W-Wait, why are you pointing it at me?! NO! Don't shoot yourself either! NO! You can't commit double suicide! Think about the rest of humanity!"



Anime & Comics · Bleap

Replied to wahlfire

it's pronounced c2

"If we do that, we need to be smart. As smart as we can be for doing something like this. We'll need to let our Pokemon rest for at least an hour and only use Lucario, C.C., and Tamamo. We'll save Gabby, Mothra, and Fenris to deal with the bigger problems," Xander already came up with a plan. Lucario and Tamamo were the fastest of the bunch besides Gabby but she was Cynthia's ace so Xander wanted to save her strength for more dangerous Pokemon or the source of the problem. C.C. was small enough for Xander to carry her without trouble so he didn't mind having her out.

Twins of Diamond and Pearl (Poke Fic)

Twins of Diamond and Pearl (Poke Fic)

Anime & Comics · BoredAsura

Replied to Beamingkangaroo



denying it pretty heavy there didn't you think

And no matter what anyone might say, Geralt and I didn't fuck!

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

Replied to Rainbowfacedfox

will it's a still picture so probably just you

"UWOOOOH! BREAAADDDD!!" The Auspicious Monarch disappeared from their field vision. Scathach and Qianye Ying'er smirked because Huang Yuna had a few weaknesses, and one of them was freshly-baked bread.

My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

My Power is Upgrading Everything (Rewrite)

Anime & Comics · Nine_Clouds

Replied to Shadow_Excalibur


I smirked to myself. That had been fun as well. It'd been enough for even Barbara — who was quite used to my bullshit — to beg off for the night. Kara seemed conflicted about the story. On one hand, lewd. Issei was an undeniable pervert. On the other, he was also a genuinely good guy. Heroic, caring, and surprisingly wholesome at times. He was a good guy… But again, pervert.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy



Harley and Ivy had commandeered our kitchen. Harley was singing something happy and off-key as she sat on the counter watching Ivy cook for her. Something something 'Allstar' by the sound of it. Did I want to consider the implications that Shrek existed in this reality? That made 69 lives in a row now. No matter where I went, that damned ogre followed, even when it didn't logically make sense like in less modern worlds. I'd basically given up and decided to consider Shrek a constant of existence at this point.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

Replied to ferferfer2

maybe for Harry's books or other books for other classes

Still despite how antagonistic that whole interaction was it was fairly clear to Nick that he enjoyed teasing the blonde. 'Her reactions are simply too good not to.' he thought with a smirk. Luna had obviously never learned how to control her own emotions very well as she was practically an open book once you ignored any strange words or actions she may say or do. Unfortunately Nick missed the perfect opportunity to snatch the diary away due to working during the Weasleys confrontation with the Malfoys. It was a little strange how Lucius Malfoy was still willing to go through with his plan after the whole event with Nick freeing Sirius while simultaneously taking Peter out of the picture.-

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Harry potter: The ringmaker

Book&Literature · loskro
