25 it’s a double ring for the hair knot
No humanity could be seen... My skin was of a bluish grey, while my 'beard', fur, and the wild mane of hair behind were of a deep purple, as for my eyes… My pupils were a deep mauve and red in the middle were the purest gold rings. Speaking of I materialized three more of such rings, one ending around each of my horns while the last shifted size to hold my hair together behind my head in something akin to a top knot
Others · The_Bip_Boop2003
No no it makes sense for twice critical to be made from DDraig considering that when issie was first reincarnated they thought that he had twice critical and it wouldn’t make sense for ddraig to be able to disguise as one of they weren’t related in some way
As the two Jacks began to fuse into one being, the second brought something along with him. A Longinus, but not one of the original 13, a new one created by Azazel, and Ajuka. The Abyssal Eclipse Gear contains the soul of Apophis The Primal Eclipse Dragon.
Anime & Comics · A_Real_Werewolf234
I can’t find it
Maybe if Elmenhilde kept drinking my blood, she'd one day conquer the sun and brag about being the perfect being?
Anime & Comics · Pastlives
I was a snow leopard so the cold did not bother me much. I could also heat up my body with Chi if I really wanted to so there was no need to thank me.
Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn
RWBY SI: The Krogan that Jacked Jaune's Life
Book&Literature · JManM
No not at all
You know I just realized that the rings for ultra space in sun and moon are in fact hoopa rings
Once all were gone the rings flew back to his arms and he closed his eyes for a short second mumbling a sorry, they had been warped to a planet with a similar atmosphere and condition to this one a hundred thousand light years away.
Archdjinni of the Rings: Hoopa (Warhammer 40k/Pokemon)
Others · The_Bip_Boop2003