See its a dragonite now not a dragonair, the author needs to change the picture, so that dragonite and urshifu are now on it. ;)
Just like when Dragonair evolved into Dragonite…
Video Games · michaeI
Ha! They were Indeedee!
She took a snack from a nearby Indeedee, took a bite, and her face lit up with delight. "This is delicious! Did you make it?"
Anime & Comics · NahinS77
Since they are from Galar it seems more likely they are Indeedee.
The male Gallade greeted him with a polite bow. Meanwhile, the female Gallade, feeling a bit shy under Green's gaze, fidgeted with her hands in front of her.
Anime & Comics · NahinS77
Lord Luke?! This just shows how far misunderstandings can go, if you don‘t nip it early. Worse is when others fill in the blanks for you. Don‘t make me into a saint, i don‘t want to die a martyr, but live a life of leisure and at my own level. Sigh
"Let this battle demonstrate the unwavering faith of our Pokémon, Lord Luke!"
Anime & Comics · ShazeSensei
I think instead of a 2x weakness it becomes 1x bc its a bug type as well and gardevoir being psychic and fairy is weak to all beedrills moves.
After all, Beedrill's Bug/Poison typing was weak to Psychic attacks.
Anime & Comics · NahinS77
Please try Scribblehub!!!
Pokémon: Starting with a Psyduck has been blocked repeatedly, but you can still read it on my P@treon! It's available publicly for all supporters.
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
Qi belt? Black belt maybe?
On the sixth floor of the Bell Tower, Chris noticed a change in the atmosphere. Unlike the fifth and fourth floors, where he had encountered no resistance and received a treasure-level Qi Belt and a Soothe Bell as rewards, the sixth floor presented a more desolate scene. Fewer Pokémon tombstones were scattered around, and the Pokémon presence was almost negligible—save for a lone Haunter.
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
How can smokescreen affect Kubfu when he is underground due to dig?
Thick black smoke spewed from Torkoal's mouth, completely enveloping its body, making it difficult for Kubfu to locate it.
Video Games · michaeI
Isn‘t it the glass flutes?
Oh, that's the Hoenn Region's specialty item—the "Glass Whistle."
Video Games · Zaelum
Hinata Kyogoku was facing off against Shaki, who was slightly weaker, but with the help of a Sand Hidden Jonin, they were temporarily at a standstill.
Naruto Card King
Anime & Comics · RawInk21