Uvo1880 - Profile


LV 4
2018-06-11 入りました Global

バッジ 5

Moments 173


Read the name as Captain America first [img=Speechless]


"You have no idea." I say while turning around "You have my thanks for the ride, Captain Avinius. As agreed, you and your men can enjoy my hospitality free of charge." Before he can say anything I quickly add "Just make sure none of them do something... regrettable in their celebration."

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav



"Indeed!" Shalazar adds "Mine was a glory most potent when I was invited by the dynamic duo and my pride most overwhelming when we turned it into the terrifying trio!" He spreads his tiny arms "Now the world shall tremble before the fearsome foursome!"

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav



Just as the morning fog lifted, thousands of legionnaires marched out from the siege camp while the siege ballistae bombarded the different sections of the wall. I walked in front of the formation, Tiberius and his posse in lock step behind me, the thundering of armored feet bringing an old tune to my mind and I started quietly whistling as we marched.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav


God is here


The cleanup takes us less than ten minutes, so many lives lost just because I wanted some more reputation among the holds. I really do need god, don't I?

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav



Fortunately, we packed a lot of food for this expedition, not so fortunately the food fucking sucked, dry rations and if you are lucky some nuts, but it was better than trying to eat the mushrooms so down my horribly maimed hatch it goes!

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav

Replied to KingSpy25i

every god is Morgan Freeman

After I die I feel nothing but its still weird that I can still think I start to freak out then suddenly everything turns white and in front of me there is a middle age man smiling, I took a minute to calm my self down.

Journey Towards Greatness

Journey Towards Greatness

Anime & Comics · Evil_God_ZARAKH



"That's the part I'm worried about, you didn't grow up with him, you weren't there for his pranks, not like the sandwich incident, poor Gary could never look at one the same way after that," Yellow said as if she was remembering trauma.

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39

Replied to RockyMasters

Doctor Mike and Babich shanking hands

BTW I was playing around with my AI art generator and these were the best of the worst that came out. 

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Pokemon: Radical Redux

Anime & Comics · Katsu39



You came right on time for lunch, your belly clock is quite accurate.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93


Lightning eater


Still, after setting my doubts aside for a moment I took a look at Lightning Eater's description to ensure that it was what I thought it was, and it actually ended up being slightly different compared to the previous two talents. As far as I could discern, this Lightning Eater had pretty much the same effect as Lightning Rod. The difference lay in the fact that Larvitar consumed the lightning/electric energy he attracted instead of absorbing it. Other than that he had an immunity to electric moves/energy, and his Sp.Atk/energy capacity momentarily rose upon eating electric energy.

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

Anime & Comics · Azrail93

Replied to WolfLord


Omanyte smiled and climbed up his arm to settle on his shoulder while Chimchar jumped on to his head and Phantump was on his other shoulder greeting Omanyte. Ash got up fixing his egg holder and greeted Kabutops and Aerodactyle, one greeted back while the other sniffed him before turning away to chomp down on Jameson's head. They decided to show them the outside world but instead of walking through the Island City went through the forest before coming across a nice place to sit on. Ash and the others called all their Pokemon and introduced them to the new members who had joined them.

Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! 
Kanto to Jhoto

Pokemon: Reborn as Ash! Kanto to Jhoto

Others · Ellora25



I quickly settled into the good old life of a mere surfacer, after such a long time underground the presence of the sun felt odd but welcome, speaking off... The moment we stepped out of my teleportation room and into said sun Nightshade reacted as you'd expect, with good old happy wailing and pained hissing.

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale

Video Games · Rastislav



"Oww…Fucking squirrel." I cursed as I saw the innocent animal staring at me from a tree nearby, waiting for me to leave as it wanted to get his treasure back.

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

TV · Alittlepiggy33



"BROMANCEEEE!!!" Enid shouted in the background.

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)

TV · Alittlepiggy33


Well this looks like a hint to the next world, maybe one piece


Nuwa let out a laugh. "I didn't think this would ever get taken out of here. It appeared some centuries ago off the coast of China, causing some trouble for the Mortals. One of my Disciples at the time happened across them and took care of the people involved. I believe this ship is the source of the legends in the west….what was its name again….the Flying Dutchman?"

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne



"It must be pretty hard if you still haven't found one." I continued. "You look like you're trying to tell the world you aren't a conformist, yet thrive on all the attention they give you. The only way you could look any more 'original' is if you wore sunglasses indoors...oh wait."

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Anime & Comics · AStoryForOne

Replied to ten1100

The stories of the author Smithsonian 86, Pokémon:Animus (no dropped title on this one but hasn’t been updated for 1 year). Some of my favorites


AN: I hope this was a decent ending. I hope everyone enjoyed it and I'm thankful for all the support everyone showed me along the way. I hope to see you all in my next Fan Fic, I will try to post an updated chapter here once I make it. Either way, I hope you all have a good day. 

Reincarnated into Modern Family

Reincarnated into Modern Family

TV · Anomander_Adaar
