raven and zatana. bonding over magic and providing protection from her father. poison ivy and make her realise that she can be better, using her gift in a real way to help the environment.
happy birthday and you should do the Bolin ff as well I would be good.
that is a shame. I agree with you for the harem things it's annoying. anyway, I was loving you story and you have more with someoene else that sounds awesome. how can I find it? I dont think that you used the same name did you?
Movies · I_am_potato_lord
When are you writing something new. I have been checking you page every few weeks for the new ones.
I was so exited when I saw that a new chapter was up. :(
i never talked about the US why bring it up?
Christmas was a lively affair as it always was. I had always found it somewhat curious that wizards celebrate Christmas as it was originally a Christian holiday, and I don't think I've ever met a religious wizard.
Book&Literature · Jmwells2003
you do know they are people outside the US ? pagans means religions outsides of the Christianity in layman's terms. so here it refers to people like the Celts in the British isle and the Frank's and German, you see the point here.
Christmas was a lively affair as it always was. I had always found it somewhat curious that wizards celebrate Christmas as it was originally a Christian holiday, and I don't think I've ever met a religious wizard.
Book&Literature · Jmwells2003
please keep it in the same type because I really enjoyed them. mix Harry with another fiction and make him strong and have a family it's great work. I would enjoy more tho, just in general more releases of longer chapter but that's just wishful thinking. you need time for quality. thanks for the story.
well that's good don't make it star wars since you don't know, good luck creating it. I agree the others need love interest I was saying that the MC right now has 3 if not 4 possible wife's coming. the gf, Martel, Tyrell, stark. the development of the others in the group is great. it's not all about the MC but his group with focus on him. keep up the good work.
i am glad you are back. love your stories. they are my favorites.
Imagination - HP
Book&Literature · burnable