#3 - Taking down Red Room, recruiting the Black Widows
Movies · StrikerAuthor
#1 - Breaking Hela out of Odin's dimension, potential Wife. Keeping Hela's ruthlessness and power, but making her more intelligent and less of a bland genocidal maniac.
Movies · StrikerAuthor
#2 - Taking over Madripoor, turning it into a Kingdom. Madripoor will be MC's own power, filled with his allies, leaving him out of the touch of corrupt international governments and organizations.
Movies · StrikerAuthor
5.Harem of 4-6
Anime & Comics · Phelio_n_Craze
2.Only those who have enough dungeon points could bring things and people inside the dungeon outside.(This means that Arthur can take Emilia and Rem out of the dungeon, but he needs to use dungeon points that he gets from completing missions inside the dungeon. The others can do the same, but they don't know anything about anime or anything related to the mission so it was very hard for them to gain dungeon points.)
Anime & Comics · Phelio_n_Craze
- Raven
Marvel: Video Game Templates!
Movies · StrikerAuthor