paulmmmmn - Profile



male LV 5

just Ur average too much free time guy

2018-04-17 入りました India

バッジ 12

Moments 69

Replied to Jama1810

just an opinion he also can say I am teaching u how to teach others by yourself

One Piece: Emperor of the Seas

One Piece: Emperor of the Seas

Anime & Comics · Ehnvy


the fact that you know how a day old cut grass tastes like brings up questions that need answers

One little block, roughly the size of a marble, was enough that Pete no longer felt hungry, which was a good thing. Though, he wasn't a huge fan of the taste. Not that he tried it before, but his best guess was that it came close to dry cat food with an after taste of day-old cut grass.

Pokemon: A life worth living

Pokemon: A life worth living

Video Games · Nuclide


you mean ron right

"No," Dumbledore raised his head with interest, "Just moments ago, beneath the Whomping Willow in the distance, something peculiar occurred. Sirius Black was dragged away by a large dog, and Harry and Miss Granger promptly followed suit."

The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Book&Literature · zcbmo29

Replied to Lazy_Fox111


perdón por la falta de capítulo de ayer, pero por alguna razón me temblaba el ojo izquierdo todo el día, y justo hoy ha parado un poco desde que me puse gafas de sol, pero bueno, seguiré con los capítulos diarios hasta que termine la primera temporada, después me tomaré unos días de descanso <3

Game of Thrones: The Rise of the Cursed King

Game of Thrones: The Rise of the Cursed King

Book&Literature · papudepapus

Replied to papudepapus

good rest is importantbut never forget the plot, the way you write in the break if u do read again and again till u remember

perdón por la falta de capítulo de ayer, pero por alguna razón me temblaba el ojo izquierdo todo el día, y justo hoy ha parado un poco desde que me puse gafas de sol, pero bueno, seguiré con los capítulos diarios hasta que termine la primera temporada, después me tomaré unos días de descanso <3

Game of Thrones: The Rise of the Cursed King

Game of Thrones: The Rise of the Cursed King

Book&Literature · papudepapus

Replied to Lazy_Fox111

the prblm for me is I can't copy it from my phone so there's that

perdón por la falta de capítulo de ayer, pero por alguna razón me temblaba el ojo izquierdo todo el día, y justo hoy ha parado un poco desde que me puse gafas de sol, pero bueno, seguiré con los capítulos diarios hasta que termine la primera temporada, después me tomaré unos días de descanso <3

Game of Thrones: The Rise of the Cursed King

Game of Thrones: The Rise of the Cursed King

Book&Literature · papudepapus


translation pls

perdón por la falta de capítulo de ayer, pero por alguna razón me temblaba el ojo izquierdo todo el día, y justo hoy ha parado un poco desde que me puse gafas de sol, pero bueno, seguiré con los capítulos diarios hasta que termine la primera temporada, después me tomaré unos días de descanso <3

Game of Thrones: The Rise of the Cursed King

Game of Thrones: The Rise of the Cursed King

Book&Literature · papudepapus

Replied to paulmmmmn

that being said those who enjoy it will enjoy it till u finish it. so don't u dare drop it till u finish it if u even think of drop give us the ones who enjoy it a conclusion to ur story

So a few things before I start the chapter. I got my ass handed to me in the two new reviews I got today, and both mentioned that my writing is difficult to read, and one of them said it needed to be put through google translate to even read. Is it really that bad? Another thing they both mentioned is that Haruko has no personality, and I'm curious if that sentiment is held by anybody else? Another note is once again people are upset that it feels too much like a slice of life, and I really don't know what else to say at this point. It is a slice of life…. I'm just flabbergasted that people are picking it up knowing that, and then getting upset when the story has a slower pace, and spends more time with interactions than anything else. I have many more positive reviews than negative, but the negative ones hit so much harder, and I don't even know if I should defend myself, or leave it alone? Anyway rant over.

Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment

Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment

Anime & Comics · Balthizar_Blake


the point of fanfiction is that it's fiction with a different perspective a different reality showed to us by the author the task of finishing the work is to authorthe power of the audience is to motivate mostly, help and give ideas and not force an opinion on them. On the part of grammar there are people who are weak in grammar and ones who excel in it. we as an audience can help in correction of the sentence or passage or point to different mediums to help them write. the author has final say in how the work goes how the characters interact and how the plotline or plot holes work those in the audience think otherwise write your own work or get the permission from the author to write in your own style by fun fact about fanfiction it's fiction not the actual work

So a few things before I start the chapter. I got my ass handed to me in the two new reviews I got today, and both mentioned that my writing is difficult to read, and one of them said it needed to be put through google translate to even read. Is it really that bad? Another thing they both mentioned is that Haruko has no personality, and I'm curious if that sentiment is held by anybody else? Another note is once again people are upset that it feels too much like a slice of life, and I really don't know what else to say at this point. It is a slice of life…. I'm just flabbergasted that people are picking it up knowing that, and then getting upset when the story has a slower pace, and spends more time with interactions than anything else. I have many more positive reviews than negative, but the negative ones hit so much harder, and I don't even know if I should defend myself, or leave it alone? Anyway rant over.

Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment

Reborn In Naruto As An Experiment

Anime & Comics · Balthizar_Blake

Replied to Daoist_Joestar

fill the blank hints women utensils

"I still want to kiss you so let's save getting your mouth 'dirty' until we are about to sleep or even the morning before we brush our teeth." I cringe a bit thinking about a certain porn video I once saw and refuse to think of with all my soul.

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature · Pretending_Author

Replied to Lord_Shiva_

a move that just exists to destroy one's fantasy, a move so horrific it haunted people's minds with less than 20 words. find it at your own peril of your sanity t. . . g.... . one . .p

"I still want to kiss you so let's save getting your mouth 'dirty' until we are about to sleep or even the morning before we brush our teeth." I cringe a bit thinking about a certain porn video I once saw and refuse to think of with all my soul.

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy

Book&Literature · Pretending_Author


what does newinded mean

One thing of note was that father always came out on top. He never seems to ne winded even after a long 'spar'.

Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

Naruto: Back in Ancient Times

Anime & Comics · Josh_Richie
