

male LV 4
2018-04-21 入りました Global
バッジ 9

Moments 8555
8 minutes ago

Pretty sure harems must be quite common in Remnant, Yang and Ruby existing in a world where the females lead is quite reassuring...

'Shit, Yang! Shit! What have you done?', she tells herself as she starts devising her escape plan.

I Need to Cheat on My Girlfriend or They'll Twist My Balls

I Need to Cheat on My Girlfriend or They'll Twist My Balls

Anime & Comics · SalveYing

13 minutes ago

Why mostly men? If this a gender role inverse world why not in that field? A small mistake?

The remaining guards attempted to attack from different angles. One threw his baton forcefully, but Daniel caught it in mid-air and used it to strike the guard in the head, rendering him unconscious instantly.

I Need to Cheat on My Girlfriend or They'll Twist My Balls

I Need to Cheat on My Girlfriend or They'll Twist My Balls

Anime & Comics · SalveYing

18 minutes ago

Yeah, for his hips...


As Ruby continued talking, Daniel grew concerned about what all this might mean for him. 'How strong is Ruby?' he wondered, reconsidering his plans, especially since almost her entire family was trained to be Huntsmen. This could be a problem for him in the future.

I Need to Cheat on My Girlfriend or They'll Twist My Balls

I Need to Cheat on My Girlfriend or They'll Twist My Balls

Anime & Comics · SalveYing

23 minutes ago

The animal god is true?

"The only constant in all these stories is the presence of a god with animal traits," Daniel continued, absorbed in his explanation. "This world is full of tales about gods. There are stories of the god who created the fauns, the god of darkness who cursed the world with the Grimm, and also about humans, who are said to have been created by the two brothers: the god of light and the god of darkness. I'm pretty convinced that all these gods are real. The real question is where they are now, where they came from, and if they have the same power as the god who sent me here. There are so many questions, and unfortunately, so few answers."

I Need to Cheat on My Girlfriend or They'll Twist My Balls

I Need to Cheat on My Girlfriend or They'll Twist My Balls

Anime & Comics · SalveYing

27 minutes ago
Replied to Ax_nevermay_cry

Oh, ok, thanks!

"There was only one case in all of history where an elf fell in love with a human woman. Lady Galadriel's elder brother, Aegnor, who fell deeply in love with the human Andreth. Unfortunately, fate decided to separate them. They never married or had children. Shortly after their separation, Aegnor perished in battle against Morgoth, and Andreth, in her sorrow, died of depression," she explained. It had been a long time since she had read about them, a tragic story that could not be, due to what was written by the great Eru.

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry

29 minutes ago

Damn, mommy doesn't left anything for the rest...

This reached Tindómiel's ears, and she ventured to stop these killings. From what Tauriel had heard from her, Smaug had run to hide in Erebor, closing all the entrances. His encounter with Tindómiel had left him very wounded, so he had no choice but to flee.

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry

34 minutes ago

Oh boy!!! Bones was right this is BIG, if Slughorn is crazy about it maybe it worth it, I mean, not sure if Talion will forgive Bones even if she takes her time explaining, but I believe not more despice is more than probable. With that said, she's lucky Talion did his move, otherwise that kind of thing wouldn't pass the Wizengamont, even if she somehow managed to track it to the group...

39 minutes ago

Damn, this Dumbs is darker than expected... But also quite normal taking in coun this is not a school for kids but a HS+College...

So much had happened without him knowing? What were all the little spies and confidantes doing that he hadn't learned of this before it happened? Or at the very least while it happened? Lord Fawley had been one of his most ardent supporters together with the Longbottoms and the Abbotts after the headmaster made all three of his sons headboys back to back and helped those three find their wives in somewhat underhanded means by arranging for those boys to be the knights in shining armor for damsels in distress while in Hogwarts...

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide

  • The Amber Sword, Traducción al Español. original

    The Amber Sword, Traducción al Español.


    "Un jugador veterano del muy realista 'The Amber Sword', se despierta en un mundo que se parece mucho al juego tomando el cuerpo de un NPC recién muerto. Cargando con los sentimientos del, demasiado real, "NPC", y sus propios recuerdos desgarradores del juego, se dispone a cambiar el destino de un reino que estaba condenado y lidiar con sus arrepentimientos." Esta es una traducción de la novela traducida al Inglés por Silent Wolfie, quién desapareció de P*treon hace unos meses, la leí cuando estaba en mis 15 y me pareció bastante buena, pero la tuve que dejar caer cuando le hackearon la página a Wolfie, página en la que subía los capítulos gratis, y la recuperación borró muchos capítulos que ya había subido y editado, por lo que decidió dejarla como estaba y solo trabajar en P***. Como la página solo está paga hasta este año, o eso dice la alarma que puse por esos días para mi yo actual, decidí descargar todos los capítulos y traducirlos para que no se pierdan, y de paso practico mi inglés. No se preocupen, hay más de 300 capítulos que descargué, y en el patreon hay más, solo que sin ninguna edición. Ahora, como soy un universitario, y la traducción es difícil y lenta (me disculpo con todos los traductores de los que me quejé mentalmente a lo largo de mi vida, incluidos los de textos académicos), me comprometo a traducir un capítulo por semana; y en vacaciones tendré una breve desaparición seguida de la subida de los capítulos más un pequeño, o no tanto depende de mi humor, bonus; esto debido a que no tengo Internet en mi casa y en vacaciones no tengo razón para ir a la U. Con eso dicho, ni Wolfie ni yo ganamos nada de esto, por lo que espero no lo conviertan en un negocio y simplemente lo disfruten. Si alguien quiere apoyar a Wolfie, por muy desaparecido que esté, les dejo el Link a continuación, solo tienen que quitar los asteriscos: https://www.p***atreon.com/SWolfie No tengo ni idea de cómo ganar dinero con esto así que los buenos deseos son muy apreciados. No tengo los derechos ni de la Novela, ni de la imagen, esta última me la descargué del Fandom. Actualmente en hiatus pues estoy en tesis, no hay tiempo libre...

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