More of Eins story so you get what you want. That said, the same thing that plagues his other stories (ones that I've read anyways). I've always admired how okayish he writes HUGE harems, but despite his skills, he somehow always ends up doing too much.
I am just putting it here to help the Author to whom I have confidence in doing good work. And I would consider updating this review depending on the story development.
I'm writing this review looong after I've read it so memories may be hazy and will mainly be based on impressions at the time and thus timelines and details may be out-of-order: Well-thought-out Characters act parallel to how they are presented in this fic. I remember distinctly readers raising a stink to the harem and the attempt of the author of writing a drama(story) around it, which personally, due to how it is written, I'm of the opinion that it kind of demands it, but like my other fellow readers have no interest in reading along with it. So the author met somewhere in the middle and resolved it early anti-climatically, which I'm not sure is a good thing or a bad thing. Concerning how the author handled power scaling, there are moments that the MC acted uncharacteristically immature but can be overlooked due to how it did not heavily affect the narrative. the problem was the dissonance between how powerful the MC was when facing schumcks and how seemingly underwhelming, not weak per see, he was when facing Voldy. Then the colors and vaults arc, the idea is solid the problem is it came out of left field, and readers, me included, are more interested and expecting a more "vanilla" exploration of the world of HP, and the presented plot largely detracts from character interaction, which is, by and large, the greatest strength of this author.
HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
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