iceburg said they do upgrades so once they get Franky why not use merry as a base and upgrade her
didnt he just get 200 strength in the last chapter from consumption
Strength: 20 (+60)
Games · 1Mad_Hatter1
didnt he do a class advancement
Games · 1Mad_Hatter1
the shadow clone just is only a leaf village justu
that sounds good
Also, is it okay if I just give the names of the characters? And for the new sources of energy, or something of note, will be added on by Gwen through dialogue? Because honestly, writing an entire description for these characters, is getting seriously old.
Anime & Comics · ArtoriaPendragon_
I did not see the box coming nice job
yyyeesss reiju joins straw hats please
what about using the alchemical shape-shifting on the soul to match the body
great start first time I read something like this
great start looking forward to more
Pokemon Dungeon Core
Video Games · Drogan