Redfar - Profile



male LV 5
2018-03-30 入りました France

バッジ 5

Moments 71


Pretty cool, I can clearly imagine him running through a battlefield and killin' monsters & co at high speed.


Electricity has become a part of you, you may not be able to create lightning at will or cause a cascade of thunder, but with your new reflexes you can dodge them as easily as you dodge a throwing ball]

Endless Evolution: Last Star

Endless Evolution: Last Star

Fantasy · Arlemit

Replied to Maxizeuslord888

That's a good question because we are chapter 52 and since several chapters MC keep talking about using thoses orbs to do something but he never do it so... Good question my friend, good question...

Most pressing was a task in New York, waiting for Aiden to collect orbs. He had initially let it slide, thinking gang leaders elsewhere might count as targets, but that wasn't the case. The precious orbs were vital for Aiden's empowerment and testing Nicole's progress against the New York gangs seemed a fitting graduation.

Marvel:I Am the Winter Soldier

Marvel:I Am the Winter Soldier

Movies · shui_AW


Good chapter Cap'. Do you have picture of Cassius's body full of tattoo ? I had some difficulties to imagine what he look like.

Replied to GiveBreathe

Ok thanks !

Replied to RoadRoller

? That's exactly what I said my friend, and it has nothing aggressive in my comment, you answer to the wrong comment ^^

As we continued our conversation, I couldn't help but notice it was mostly about me, then my brother. Is she really trying to know me? I thought there would be more questions about Arthur, for she can tell Edythe. Surprisly, Alice and I shared interests and genuine conversations, which made me realize that there was a possibility of being friends if things worked out but I already knew what I will do with Edythe when introduced to her. That being friends probably won't happen after what im going to do.Then she asked a question about my scars on my face.

A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

Movies · Darkzarc


Listen, I totally understand that it's really not cool for Edythe to use Alexander to get closer to Arthur, but she's not really doing anything wrong per se. I admit, I don't understand why Alexander has so much hatred towards her.


As we continued our conversation, I couldn't help but notice it was mostly about me, then my brother. Is she really trying to know me? I thought there would be more questions about Arthur, for she can tell Edythe. Surprisly, Alice and I shared interests and genuine conversations, which made me realize that there was a possibility of being friends if things worked out but I already knew what I will do with Edythe when introduced to her. That being friends probably won't happen after what im going to do.Then she asked a question about my scars on my face.

A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

Movies · Darkzarc

Replied to BludKratz

Wow, why so much hatred all of a sudden XD? She literally just said she wanted to become friends to get closer to her brother, nothing else, my friend. There wasn't even a word synonymous with 'violence' in her sentence. No need to get worked up XD. I agree it's not cool to use it that way, but in this case, you're really getting worked up over nothing.

Contemplating my next move, I find myself torn. Should I disrupt her plans or make it more challenging for her? Perhaps I should confide in Arthur and let him handle the situation. Should I just call her out on it? The best one yet, should I just throw hands at her even if she becomes my sister in law? My hands are all about gender equality.

A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

Movies · Darkzarc


? Wow, why so much aggression all of a sudden? :o I wasn't ready for that xD


I just listen to them and answer questions that they ask me about what it's like being blind. During that time, I still felt like we were being stared at from where the Cullens' table was, so I turned my head in their direction. If they keep looking at me like that, I don't mind using them as my moving practice dummies for my gravity abilities.

A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

Movies · Darkzarc



Seth: "Hey, he can still play games. I'll be his eyes. We will be a team against his brother."

A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

A Blind Person's Journey into the Twilight.

Movies · Darkzarc
