

male LV 4
2018-03-24 入りました France
バッジ 5

Moments 406
1 hours ago

invention du savon aussi tardivement?? il se lavait comment avant m^me les celtes avais du savon et des équivalents existe depuis sumer

He knew his son was not normal and very bright for his age, and he was very proud of him, but sometimes he behaved very weirdly—like right now.

The Biological Sorcerer: Rise of the Ultimate Mage

The Biological Sorcerer: Rise of the Ultimate Mage

Fantasy · DarkGlasses01

1 hours ago
Replied to Dao_Of_The_Turtle

ok pour le pas cher et facile mais pour les outils non (steak haché, ketchup moutarde, logistique des légumes etc...) un sandwich varié à presque l'infini, plats français ou autre avec produits locaux qui pour une bonne partie date du moyenne âge

I could already see the changes, small at first, but unmistakable. There were food stalls now, serving strange new dishes that the common folk had taken to with zeal. "Hot dogs," they called one—a sausage wrapped in bread—and "hamburgers," another oddity with beef between two pieces of bread. And the pizza, my personal favorite. The aroma alone could make one's mouth water.

Asoiaf: I Have a Wolverine Template

Asoiaf: I Have a Wolverine Template

TV · Ninja_King_3834

8 hours ago

ne pas abandonner la police des grains

So, to keep his own head, he counted his options on his fingers: one, solve France's fiscal deficit; two, secure enough food to prevent starvation; three, deal with treacherous nobles; and lastly, fend off the covetous British and Prussians.

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

History · Mount Tianhai

8 hours ago

juste dommage que l'histoire fausse des révolutionnaires soit plus connu que la vrai car j'aime les histoires comme celle-là sur la france mais je ne peux m'empêcher de m'énerver un peu quand les mensonges des traitres sont prit pour vérité

8 hours ago
Replied to Naia

oui lui et les conseillers du roi ainsi que tout les nouveaux nobles "les riches capitalistes" pas les vrai nobles avec des terres

Moreover, next summer France would face a severe hailstorm, and with the impact of previous years' droughts, a national famine was imminent. This would be followed by a mob of hungry people storming the Bastille, triggering the immense upheaval of the Revolution, with hundreds of thousands meeting their end at the guillotine...

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

History · Mount Tianhai

8 hours ago

pas tout à fait vrai il fut plus naïf qu' incompétent prit au pige par c'est conseiller sans cela il aurait été un roi bon et juste

As Joseph quickly wrote down the answer to the first question under Lagrange's scrutinizing gaze, his mind wandered to France's historical trajectory: the French Revolution would erupt next year, the royal family would be executed, and as the Crown Prince, he wouldn't be able to escape... King Louis XVI was inept at everything except locksmithing, France was in debt for more than two billion, but had an annual income of only 500 million.

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

Life of Being a Crown Prince in France

History · Mount Tianhai

23 hours ago

sérieux il n'y avais des vrai plats a proposer que cela, entre les pizzas et les hot dogs que du fastfood très loin d'être des choses correct a manger

I could already see the changes, small at first, but unmistakable. There were food stalls now, serving strange new dishes that the common folk had taken to with zeal. "Hot dogs," they called one—a sausage wrapped in bread—and "hamburgers," another oddity with beef between two pieces of bread. And the pizza, my personal favorite. The aroma alone could make one's mouth water.

Asoiaf: I Have a Wolverine Template

Asoiaf: I Have a Wolverine Template

TV · Ninja_King_3834

23 hours ago
Replied to Homeless_Author

ok je vois

23 hours ago
Replied to Homeless_Author

1 days ago
Replied to Ayaka0

et Ubuyashiki est rester dans sa chambre ou il a lui aussi était prit dans le châteaux ?

Demon Slayer; Electro Hashira

Demon Slayer; Electro Hashira

Anime & Comics · Ayaka0