

LV 5
2018-05-06 入りました Global
バッジ 16

Moments 173
2 months ago

I really enjoyed the story so far, I really can not find any complain about the story. The character are lifelike, the grammar is nothing to scoff at. Author, I really like your story, so make sure you keep on making the story even more awesome.

4 months ago

Great novel, the first chapter pulled me in, would recommend to fantasy lovers of all kinds, the main character is cool, and the world building is decent.

4 months ago
Replied to Bit_Lucky

thats one of the problems old Born and Torn has sadly

After waking up, the first thing I after checking the empty area was checking up on my body the best way I could. Because my mobility was still quite sluggish, seems like it is still under the influence of the paralysis-inducing toxin. After checking every inch of my body I found several inconsistencies. During and following the events after my struggle against the mutated goldfish, I have not taken the time to check out my body. Quite sad that having attached limbs was enough for me in that situation. On my forehead, I felt remnants of their holy power carved deep into my skin. It seems to be a word in a foreign language. This stigma did not hurt at all, but if I start to recall the sensation of holy power. The stigma begins to shine brightly. Even if it invokes some kind of shame in me, I still can use it as a source of light in this dark cave, that I am currently inside of. In comparison, the state of my left leg is much more severe, besides it still being broken in several places, there now was a bulge on it as well. This bulge is pulsating in an ordinary and calm fashion. Yet if its touched it retracts and it feels quite squishy and many small pebbles can be felt beneath my skin.

Born&Torn (Old)

Born&Torn (Old)

Fantasy · Fearmongering

4 months ago
Replied to Kasbelluk

Nope he is not, I think

After waking up, the first thing I after checking the empty area was checking up on my body the best way I could. Because my mobility was still quite sluggish, seems like it is still under the influence of the paralysis-inducing toxin. After checking every inch of my body I found several inconsistencies. During and following the events after my struggle against the mutated goldfish, I have not taken the time to check out my body. Quite sad that having attached limbs was enough for me in that situation. On my forehead, I felt remnants of their holy power carved deep into my skin. It seems to be a word in a foreign language. This stigma did not hurt at all, but if I start to recall the sensation of holy power. The stigma begins to shine brightly. Even if it invokes some kind of shame in me, I still can use it as a source of light in this dark cave, that I am currently inside of. In comparison, the state of my left leg is much more severe, besides it still being broken in several places, there now was a bulge on it as well. This bulge is pulsating in an ordinary and calm fashion. Yet if its touched it retracts and it feels quite squishy and many small pebbles can be felt beneath my skin.

Born&Torn (Old)

Born&Torn (Old)

Fantasy · Fearmongering

6 months ago

What a promising start to a novel, I can not help but wonder how the story will develop with a system. I really liked the characters and the way the opening was used to establish the setting. If you are looking for a good read, this novel looks promising.

9 months ago

I really like the world-building here. The premise of this book harbours a lot of potential. The characters, despite seeing so little of them, seem almost too real. I can't wait to find out what happens next. Thank you for writing this great story author!

9 months ago

The beginning was unexpectedly gripping. I can not help but wonder how great this story will become in the future if it is already this fun at just 3 chapters in. Looking forward to reading more in the future.

10 months ago

Great read, with deep characters and an interesting premise. I can not wait to see how it will develop. I love the worldbuilding and the powers shown so far. Keep it up author!

11 months ago

I was quite surprised. This format is certainly rather unique in the world of webnovels. It manages to depict a story of flawed perspectives through the lenses of a young boy and their relationship with his mother. What starts out as misplaced anger slowly transforms into something beautiful. I applaud the author for his impression and depiction of this change that happened over the time of a life span. The writing quality itself is superb and does really fit the premise of the story. The themes are really deeply explored despite the short actual length of the novel. The characters are really lifelike albeit we only see them as passing figures that develop alongside the main characters. The drawn parallels are truly a remarkable idea to showcase the development. In the end, I can only truly pay my respect for this work. Really well done.

12 months ago

Interesting mix of wuxia and xianxia. New twist on transmigration trope. Very cool original take on cultivation and its power systems. The poetry is a nice touch and the character dialogues are well-written as well.

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  • Born&Torn original



    A world bereft of purpose. A soul never born for one. A world's end has concluded. A soul's end marks another beginning. A world will take. A soul has given. A story of something that should not exist. A story of something that ceased to exist. A story of something that, without any purpose, exists. A story, not one of heroes, but a journey of a hypocrite to find meaning, in a world devoid of meaning for him. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Details about the story The story is a slow burner Written in First Person Chapter size 2k-6 words on average. Relase schedule: Whenever the chapter has been written and edited. Feedback of any kind is greatly apperciated. if there are any other questions/concerns...feel free to ask them. I will update the about section accordingly.

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  • Born&Torn (Old) original

    Born&Torn (Old)



    Update 20.05. 2024: This story has been rewritten, or rather is in the process of it. Additionally, if the stars allign, it will also be published on Royal Road. I will not give you a long speech, because the book has been dead on here for quite a while, looking at the last chapter being posted a few years ago. It took some time to develop the necessary skill to do this story justice. Without any further ado... See you soon. Same book title. ------------------------------------------- This is the story of something that should not exist. This is the story of something that ceased to exist. This is the story of something that exists without any purpose. This is not a story about heroes. It is the journey of a hypocrite finding a purpose, in a world devoid of any meaning for him. -----------------------------------------------

    170 Chs 82 お気に入り

  • Prima Causa original

    Prima Causa


    Welcome to your judgement. I am officer Bleak of the Soul judgement bureau. It is my job to determine the value of your soul. So what is your story? ------------------------------------

    6 Chs 1 お気に入り