Without much talk, Kuroshiro plucked four feathers from his body—two white and two black.
Anime & Comics · Alex_Fabianoki
past 20 chapters have had some translation errors. It's getting worse by the chapter
"Luo Wei!" A voice jarred him back to alertness.
Anime & Comics · Webnovel_Addicted
Best fanfic I have read. Authour did a lot of research on Naruto universe . Definitely worth a read
This is one of my favorite story's on here. It's definitely worth the time to read. The martial arts fight scenes are one of the best I have everread in a novel. It's a slow paced novel at the beginning and mid-way. It's a slice of life, so that's tobe expected. The interaction between MC and female lead (the romance part of the novel) is very good and well thought out.I think the novel starts to really get good during the MC's first solo tournament. The only complaint i have is the ending feels abit rushed.
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Haha I got this one
"Could it be the curse of the legendary Sealing Jutsu class?"
Sealing Jutsu Sensei
Anime & Comics · ReidAstrea