Loved Heroes of Olympus and Kane Chronicles
Kyle took a bite out of his chicken wrap before saying "I think we can do the Percy Jackson series. Rick Riordan is a legend in the young adult fiction genre."
Sports · The_Gaji
Jaya was already unrivaled last year with like 1/3 of a team and playing full games without rest, now that he has a full team there's literally no school that should even give him any sort of challenge until like national Semis, why focus on a bunch of blowouts?
*Isiah squeezes Jason's hand* Jason :
hanged -> hung
Sports · The_Gaji
their -> there
Sports · The_Gaji
it's just bro, with a twist. like broham.
Brosif only gets thirty minutes to go over his lines before he has to head to basketball practice. Gotta get more than that if you want to memorize a whole script."
Sports · The_Gaji
You know who my favorite player of all time is? It's Tim Duncan, the Big Fundamentals. He was a class act who was always a professional whenever he stepped on to the court.
Sports · The_Gaji
Yea but even then it is usually just the last few minutes.
A lot of the guys were surprised to hear that Jason was still using the same strategy that he had used in the scrimmage against Mt. Vernon.
Sports · The_Gaji
At least it wasn't posterizer 😂
Jason was slightly disappointed that the reward that he had gotten from the mission involving Tyreek ended up being the Box Out King badge.
Sports · The_Gaji
Shit bro, you might as well pass them over here since you ain't interested. We know how good you are at droppin dimes on the court but times like this is when you really need to assist."
Rebound: A 2nd Chance
Sports · The_Gaji