Flamme, her long silver hair cascading down her back, found a spot under the shade of a tree and began flipping through an ancient magic book she had discovered in the lord's study in Vinewall. The tome contained some rather intriguing spells.
Anime & Comics · Roaaaa
Fast response 👍
Chapter 242,245,246,247, and 248 is confusing.
I think the tl deleted it after wn block, checked their patreon and scribblehub all gone
The translator was Loved One, he was also translating a Danmachi fic that also got deleted. I dunno if WN deleted the fic or he just dropped it but I can't find shit.
Anime & Comics · VenerableZay
"This isn't a bug, it's a feature! *Minecraft* has no bugs!!!"
Video Games · Gustina_Kamiya
That Korean works for me.
[Stelle: Got it! Fifty-fifty split: no worries, I'm still the strongest.]
Video Games · ThatGoodStuff
Shinobu = Kanae
443 Missing?
The Door of My Bathroom Leads to the Comic World!
Anime & Comics · IamNoob