Amazing work so far. Thanks for the chapter 🙏 🙂 😊
Loving this story so far thank you for the chapter 🙏 🙂 😊
Damn I love this ... I did not guess narnia I thought maybe the lion king or something idk thank you for the chapter
Love this so far thank you for the chapter 🙏 🙂
This story I awesome so far thank you for the chapters
I feel like I have read this somewhere before when he gets to hogwarts he does another summoning and summons a clockwork doll orsomthing he then shrinks so it can ride in his pocket or on his cat.... still great chap hope you keep it up and if you are copying this work please at least chagea bunch of stuff
Pretty sure you have stolen this fanfiction from someone else and it was called harry potter and the daft morons Hmm I could be wrong but I doubt it
This is awesome thanks for the chapters 😀
Soooo is this now dropped completely? Was an awesome book while it lasted 😊
Oil fk arrrrrhhhhhhh SPOILERS DAMN IT love this so far tho
Naruto: Tenseigan Eye
Anime & Comics · GGFanfiction