Frittahz - Profile



female LV 14


2018-03-10 入りました New Zealand

バッジ 10

Moments 452


Why do I feel like this door will have something to do with Morgan? 🤔

The large double door, about five meters tall and decorated in vast, ornate patterns, that appeared at the far end of the library.

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR



[Evasion Stat has reached 300. <Hyper Adrenaline Rush> Ability has become <Danger Sense>]

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR


'bodies'. So the copies are feeling the same effects I guess, hope water Eiro doesn't cause any issues for the Naiad queen because of this 🤞

And it was very similar for Eiro. The ultimate agility card increased the speed at which signals travelled from his brain to the different parts of his bodies, and vastly increased the speed and explosive efficiency of his muscles. They weren't stronger directly, but they were able to extend and retract at speeds and to degrees that they weren't able to before, doing so without Eiro being able to do much about it. The only way he had been able to avoid his muscles tearing too much was through flesh and blood magics. Though, even if he didn't react in time, his demonic body combined with healing magic made him recover quite well.

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR


If Arc explained the concept of movie film and projectors to him, could Eiro create movies of his memories of things that happened to show to people? 🤔 🎞📽🍿

As his incarnation walked through the library, Eiro noticed that he was able to sense things in here much better. Or rather, sense this space at all. Before, it only existed within his mind, so he simply knew of it, and the knowledge of the specific part he focused on would appear in his mind. He simulated senses to make it all appear as though there was a library, like an illusion that his own mind created. But now, it was a lot more tangible, something that he could actually interact with. The books were physical, their weight was real. The smell of the pages and the ink that the mental duplicates were using to transcribe new things in here truly entered his nostrils. This was a wholly new way for him to experience his memories, and it was... weird. Unexpected. But incredible, nonetheless. And of course, he could still experience this space as he had before, instantly accessing any part of it just through his mind. But if he wanted to interact with things closer, he could through the eyes of his incarnation.

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR


Inspired by his sons 'castle' ability? 🤔🏰

It was Eiro's treasury, still that small chamber filled with nothing but hidden secrets, with trinkets and tools and weapons and books. Except that this time, instead of being filled with different 'aspects' of Eiro, it was completely empty. And so, Eiro made a decisio. He created a duplicate of himself, one that was much smaller than he himself, small enough to fit right into the space. And small enough to walk right through that door at the back of the room in Eiro's soul.

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR


..weirdly reminds me of on Stargate when they send probes through the wormhole to check if it's safe before going through themselves 😅

Eiro started to chant in the demonic language as per what the Devil could remember, as more and more droplets of blood floated up onto that original one, creating an ever-growing bubble that was soon large enough to hold a person. The moment Eiro's chant was done, he clapped his hands together, and the bubble flattened, turning into a circle of blood that was just floating in the air. Eiro quickly used the power of the mirror of duplication to create a small duplicate of himself, in the form of a floating eyeball, that he sent through that portal of blood, and the duplicate ended up safely on the other side. The connection still remained as well through that portal, so everything seemed to be stable.

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR


oh yeah was the holy empire the ones that were like 'all magic stones of this type are automatically ours because we said so' ?

"Demonology?" Eiro muttered, surprised. It was a particular field of magic that dealt with unholy energy. It was practically the counterpart to Divine and Holy Magic. But, due to the nature of this magic, and the efforts of the Holy Empire, there weren't many traces of Demonology left anymore. Eiro was actually trying extremely hard to be able to find anything he could about it, but the only things he could find were extremely biased, inaccurate retellings of when certain people from the Holy Empire encountered users of Demonology. These were basically propaganda pieces without any actual scientific worth to them.

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR


Is that magical point-at-the-devil-compass thing he made still working? 🤔

But the most bothersome part was something completely different... the Devil was nowhere to be found. Did he flee the moment he realized that things were getting dangerous for him here again? Eiro didn't know, but at the very least, he was certain that it wasn't a good sign whatsoever. He might be hidden somewhere in an adjacent space that the dungeon map simply hadn't taken over; like tunnels stretching out underneath the tower. Eiro had sensed something like that as they were approaching. Old mineshafts that were now no longer in use.

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR


I like that he's already calling Merlin something not someone

The horns on top of Eiro's head were a physical response to the strength of his magic. As he grew into a more powerful mage, his horns became filled with more and more magical energy, as though they were physical deposits of his magics that had fused with the bone-like mass that made up his horns. To him, they were a sensitive matter. Instinctively, he felt as though he had to protect them. Whether it was some kind of pride placed deep into his blood, or something that was simply caused by his own narcissistic tendencies, but even if his whole body was broken and ruined, he refused to let something like Merlin defile his horns and use the magic within them for himself.

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR


That last sentence was incredible. Reminds me of Douglas Adam's metaphors ❤💯

The moment he realized this in his mind, his senses went absolutely wild. The domain of truth and order that was infused into his whole being was practically trying to reject what stood before Eiro, because it just should not be. It stepped out of the current 'order' of the world. It wasn't even a force of Chaos, which Eiro was also able to manipulate to a certain degree. While order and chaos were two sides of the same coin, unable to exist without the other, this was basically the equivalent of a piece of dirt stuck to the inside of your wallet.

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR



Oh yay Felix, story hasn't mentioned him in ages I was starting to wonder why

"..." Sammy looked at Arc for a few moments, before already giving up any attempts she would have made at dissuading him from touching the cube. From his own room at the end of the hallway, Felix came trotting out, already nervous about being late for class.

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR



Partax raised a brow, looking at Solomon with a curious expression, "Who're you anyway, one of Eiro's colleagues?"

Demon's Virtue

Demon's Virtue

Fantasy · DiceVR
