
male LV 15

older college student, i like alot of webnovels both here and wuxiaworld.

2018-04-15 入りました United States
バッジ 12

Moments 115
4 months ago

Btw, why did alice travel by herself and no guards if shes and heir of a noble vampire family? And why didnt they build a train station at the academy if its so big?Whats "kingdom size" anyway? cmon author im liking the premise but u need to better clarify stuff. what happendd to the dagger/sword? when he was just smashing devourer beasts with fists? the logic inconsistancies are bothersome

4 months ago

Is he using a dagger or a sword? if a sword what kind of sword? There is a difference here and i hope its just translatr error and not the author being stupid or too lazy to look up historic sword types.

4 months ago

to be honest 1hr to 45 min to read a textbook is quite fast, plus to understand everything in the book as well would be really challenging. even if he got help from the system initially, he hasnt taken any sort of brain enhancing drug or tech yet so he should still have his basic intellegence lvl which was average. howd he learn so much in like 3 days?

4 months ago

Yea, hella wierd name man. Instead of pokemon i feel hes more digimon, lol.

Michael met Psylemon's gaze, seeing the genuine concern in his eyes. "It's tough, but what can we do? We've got to keep moving forward, right? Maybe things will look up eventually."

Building a Business Empire with my Technological System

Building a Business Empire with my Technological System

Sci-fi · Faux1231

4 months ago

Hes from earth. How can he not hear about the balrog?

"Balrog?" For Jiang Fan, this is an unfamiliar term.

Build A Technological Civilization

Build A Technological Civilization

Sci-fi · Sokdavid

1 years ago

How does he add troops? is there a special building that u feed resources to or is it thru a menu ui? also when did he use his proof of lord to control the elves?

After all, during this period of development, the number of Elven Archers had already reached more than 300.

Login Before Others: Stone Age

Login Before Others: Stone Age

Games · Let Me Handle It

1 years ago

yea, i feel its to rushed. author could have wrote that he used the goblins to increase thier gold production and recived a portion so he could use the proof of lord to claim area around elf town and then to use gold to "buy" a simple stone/earth wall and other buildings like in other strategy games hut even still this should take a few days at least to mine and smelt all that gold and use it. wish author explained this better. it always seems that authors in alot of kingdom buildin type novels always seem to rush thru building things when it takes alot of manpower, TIME and materials to build things like walls houses, and other things u cant just use a probe to materialize a building in a primitive soceity world unless u give to person a reason he can. maybe he could craft or find blueprints and all he has to do is collect resources and then colect some workers and it auto completes in like 24hrs or something but yet again author didnt explain in ANY way he built this second base so quickly. its makes me angry

1 years ago

oh man 1 chptr a week is killing me on this arc! i need more

1 years ago

To be fair how dark can he be? hes only 1/4 african. his mom is chinese/ukrainian and his dad is african/italian. at most he would prob be light brown/bronze skin color.

An explosion audible to the ear sounded as Dante's body, which had become redder and redder despite his dark skin, finally reached climax and released a palpable shockwave of power that sent dust flying and even damaged some of the stone tiles below his feet.

I am the God of Technology

I am the God of Technology

Sci-fi · Kotario