

female LV 14

Freelance Translator & writer Instagram : Aida_Hanabi

2018-03-08 入りました Global
バッジ 170

Moments 176
5 months ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

5 months ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

6 months ago

So ruthless 😂 From a straight man into a man that to be done by two men [img=Feeling it]🤣 The title of chapter 1 is extremely literal. Chap 2? hmm... [img=Out of it] (Dunno how should I put it but lol) [img=More pls][img=More pls][img=More pls] Fighting author!

6 months ago
Replied to Pinkyprincess


6 months ago
Replied to Pinkyprincess

Should I send you a knife?

6 months ago

The synopsis of this story left me speechless like the MC when he read the mission, but it also made me giggle. Then the first chapter left me like, "Who am I? Who are you? Where am I? What happened? Who are we?!" (so many questions with so much angst) Next...!!! Second chapter, first arc is ABO??!! lol Hahaha, okay, you've got my attention now and I can't wait to see what happens next. So far... I've only read the first 8 chapters, and I'm curious about the ending of this arc. But why do I have a bad feeling? 🗿 Author, you're not going to make an unfunny joke (aka BE), right? Don't set a Batman trap. My heart can't handle/take it

6 months ago
Replied to Rafaiir_

yes, I starting use EO in chapter 12. just didn't re-edit the abbreviations in old chapters. (1-11) 😅😂

"Interesting," he muttered. Eyes of Observation or EoO extended to many things, and he could easily garner information with a glance. This would be really helpful to know things.

Rise of the Grand Archmage

Rise of the Grand Archmage

Fantasy · AidaHanabi

6 months ago

Interesting. One of the books with a villainess theme in First Person POV. LoL I'm still chuckling over the first chapter title.

6 months ago

😂😂 what an interesting chapter title as an opening

6 months ago
Replied to NightGLE_WN

thank you for the compliment

  • Rise of the Grand Archmage original

    Rise of the Grand Archmage


    Lucas Harren, the boy who believes he is rejected by magic, despite possessing mana. Unable to cast spells, he faces a constant backlash, hindering his dream of becoming the greatest mage ever. But then, a blessing arrives in the form of the Eyes of Observation, enabling him to gather information about his target. Discovering he is not rejected by magic but cursed, he realizes the curse can only be lifted by reaching the peak of magic. But why curse him? Who curses him? He doesn't know and is determined to unravel the mystery behind it. But for now, he will utilize this newfound blessing to ascend as a mage who cannot even cast magic directly. ----------------------------------- READ MY OTHER BOOK(S)? • One of Kyle's Lives [ENG] - ONGOING -----------------------------------

    18 Chs 36 お気に入り

  • One of Kyle's Lives (OLD VERSION!Discontinued!) original

    One of Kyle's Lives (OLD VERSION!Discontinued!)



    THIS IS THE OLD VERSION!!!! PLEASE FIND THE LATEST VERSION, "ONE OF KYLE'S LIVES [ENG]" - there is the word "ENG" in the title of the new version. There are some changes and improvements and the story will continue on that one! Please read "Announcement" for more details. ----------------------------------- Kyle Welton, an ordinary(?) son of a noble family, ditched his childhood friend and left early to the famous Costina Academy. It wasn't his first time to go to school nor was it first time to live, but only he knew of this. It sure wasn't pleasant to live several times already and who knew what he had gone through. But one thing for sure, this life, he would try to live in leisure. But could he? This was Kyle's new life in a new era where technology and magic coexisted ----------------------------------- Support the author: ----------------------------------- Discord link ----------------------------------- Instagram: Aida_Hanabi ----------------------------------- The book and cover Copyright 2021 Aida Hanabi All Rights Reserved.

    41 Chs 135 お気に入り

  • WreckEd [When reality turns into a nightmare] original

    WreckEd [When reality turns into a nightmare]


    Apa yang akan kamu rasakan, ketika kamu terperangkap di sebuah pulau asing tak dikenal? Senang? Tertantang? Takut? Panik? Atau malah gila? Sebuah pulau berpenghuni, namun seperti kota mati. Sebuah pulau yang indah, namun menakutkan. Sebuah tempat yang ramah, namun penuh perangkap dan tipu daya yang mengancam nyawa. Sebuah moment yang harusnya menjadi liburan terbaik, kini berubah menjadi sebuah mimpi buruk yang tak akan terlupakan. Mimpi yang akan terus menghantuiku, bahkan hingga akhir hayatku, meski aku akan selamat dari tempat ini. Mimpi yang akan terus mengingatkanku akan dosa dan penyesalan, yang telah kulakukan demi bertahan hidup hingga detik ini. Inilah kisahku, kisah dan mimpi buruk kami. Yang mungkin tak semua orang tahu. Aku di sini untuk memperingatkanmu .... Jauhi tempat itu .... Atau kau.... "AKAN SEPERTI KAMI!" Cerita ini diterbitkan pertama kali di WP: 26 November 2017 Diangkat kembali (Terbitkan) di WN pada tanggal 8 November 2021 ****** Gabung dengan server discord-ku . Mohon dukung aku di ko-fi . atau trakteer

    6 Chs 8 お気に入り

  • Noble original



    Sebuah kisah tentang takdir dan kehidupan yang tersembunyi di balik sosok wanita lusuh itu. Takdir dan nasib. Tak akan ada seorangpun yang dapat mengetahui apa yang akan terjadi padanya dikemudian hari. Seperti halnya cerita ini .... Tak akan ada pula yang menyangka kisah di balik sosok wanita itu. Di dunia ini semua sudah ditakdirkan, baik jodoh maupun nasib kita. Namun, tak berarti kita tak bisa merubahnya. Karena ... takdir itu sendiri terbagi menjadi takdir yang tak bisa diubah dan yang dapat dirubah. Takdir yang tak bisa kau ubah adalah kelahiran dan kematian. Sementara harta, tahta, kehidupan dan lainnya ... termasuk jodoh, adalah takdir yang masih dapat kita ubah! "Tuhan tidak akan mengubah takdir seseorang jika orang itu tak berusaha merubahnya!" Itulah kalimat yang diucapkan wanita itu kepadaku. Kalimat biasa yang bahkan akan dianggap omong kosong bagi sebagian orang. Namun, ketika wanita itu mengucapkanya, ada sebuah kekuatan di dalam kata-kata itu. Sebuah harapan! Rasa tidak ingin menyerah dan pasrah! Kekuatan keyakinan yang sangat kuat.

    5 Chs 106 お気に入り

  • Ghania (Kesempatan Kedua) original

    Ghania (Kesempatan Kedua)


    Kesempatan kedua. Apakah itu benar ada? Mungkin memang ada, tetapi jika kau masih hidup! Bagaimana jika kau sudah mati? Apakah ada kesempatan kedua? Kehidupan kedua? Reinkarnasi? Adakah semua itu? Itu semua hal terakhir yang Ghania pikirkan sebelum menjelang ajalnya. Di usianya yang ke-30, Ghania hidup dalam banyak penyesalan. Ia selalu berharap dapat memutar kembali waktu, dan memperbaiki semua kesalahan dan keputusan bodohnya. Andai bisa, ia benar-benar ingin kembali lagi. Sayang, hal semacam itu hanya khayalan belaka. Kini, kini dia mati tanpa bisa mewujudkan dan memperbaiki semua itu. Tak ada obat untuk sebuah penyesalan. Namun, apa yang terjadi jika Tuhan berkehandak lain? Tuhan berikan dia kesempatan, bukan ... tetapi kehidupan kedua padanya! Ia! Kesempatan kedua, kehiduoan kedua yang hanya omong kosong itu kini nyata! Dan semua itu terjadi pada dirinya. Kini, ia kembali ke masa di mana ia masih duduk di bangku sekolah. Sebuah keajaiban! Keajaiaban yang tak masuk di akal. yeahhh... namanya juga keajaiban, pastilah tak masuk akal. Kini ia hidup kembali, akankah ia bisa memanfaatkan kesempatan ini sebaik mungkin untuk memperbaiki semua kesalahan masa lalunya?

    3 Chs 37 お気に入り

  • Red Thread of Fate (Indonesian version) original

    Red Thread of Fate (Indonesian version)


    Genres: Romance, Thrill, Mystery Fūma Monou, seorang dokter berdarah dingin yang telah membunuh banyak orang demi membalaskan dendam yang ia simpan selama ini pada para korbannya. Fūma tidak pernah percaya pada orang lain semenjak pristiwa di masa lalu yang menimpa dirinya, sehingga ia juga tak percaya akan adanya cinta. Tapi ... semua berubah ketika ia memungut seorang gadis kecil yang terlihat seperti "boneka rusak" dengan tubuh penuh luka memar serta perban di sekujur tubuhnya. Yuki, gadis kecil yang harus menghadapi kenyataan pahit akan kehidupan yang ia jalani. Dia disiksa dan diasingkan serta dibuang oleh keluarganya sendiri. Dia tetap terus percaya bahwa suatu saat nanti akan ada seseorang yang menginginkan dan membutuhkan dirinya. Bahkan ketika dia berada dalam kedaan sekarat sebelum akhirnya ditemukan oleh Fūma. Semenjak itu, Yuki yang awalnya hanya menganggap Fūma sebagai penolongnya, kini mulai menaruh hati pada Fūma. Begitu juga dengan Fūma yang pada awalnya memungut Yuki hanya untuk kepentingannya semata, kini mulai merasakan hal yang berbeda pada gadis kecil yang kini tumbuh dewasa itu. Meski begitu, keduanya milih untuk menyembunyikan perasaaan masing-masing yang mengakibatkan sering terjadinya kesalah pahaman antara mereka berdua. Ketika mereka akhirnya mengetahui perasaan masing-masing dan Fūma mulai mempercayai adanya cinta, kebahagian dan ketulusan, takdir justru berkendak lain... Takdir justru memisahkan mereka berdua. Fūma pun merasa dipermainkan oleh takdir. Ia bersumpah tidak akan pernah jatuh cinta lagi dan akan membalaskan dendam kematian Yuki. Tapi, sekali lagi takdir mempertemukan mereka di masa depan. Dengan identitas baru dan kehidupan baru mereka. Akankah mereka akhirnya dapat bersama? Ataukah tragedi cinta mereka akan terulang kembali? Cerita murni karya Author Aida Hanabi, Made since 19 Oct 2017.

    3 Chs 48 お気に入り

  • PAMALI original



    Do you know what “Pamali” mean? ‘Pamali’ is a taboo or something forbidden that should not be done, if you ‘broke' this taboo, misfortune will fall upon you and your family. That was a prohibition laid out by our Ancestors to us, their descendants until today. A reason that sometimes doesn't make sense. But that was true… As time goes… Where human no longer believed those supernatural things, they started to forget those ‘pamali’. But… That doesn't mean those ‘pamali’ will disappear just like that. They are still there… they're still exists around us. Without human’s notice, they broke those ‘rule’ one by one and create many mistakes that would bring disaster to their lives. Even so… human is an arrogant creature that sometimes too stubborn and wouldn't believe such thing until they see it or it happen to themselves. But even so, there will always be someone who stubbornly choose not to believe it even when it fall to them and choose to ignore it until death come knocking at their door. And what about you? Will you believe it and avoid those taboo… Or will you choose to challenge those forbiddens? Your lives will be determined by your own choice… (This is just a synopsis and a description chapter. The real chapter story will begin on 18/9/2018 )

    4 Chs 33 お気に入り

  • Release That Boy! original

    Release That Boy!

    Book&Literature BL YAOI


    What would you do if you meet one of your favorite Novel MC in another world? Will you be stunned, screamed hysterically, happy or sad? Or maybe you want to plot on how to make him fall in love with you? Just like me. But that is impossible! Maybe it's impossible! But, well, unless God is bored or being nice to me then He will help me to execute my silly plan. It would be easier to work If I'm a girl. But unfortunately I'm now a boy! A boy! I'm a woman who trasmigrated to the body of a young boy, and try to make my favorite MC fall for me. Originally created on June 5, 2018. ----------------------------------- Support the author: ----------------------------------- Discord link ----------------------------------- Instagram: Aida_Hanabi

    15 Chs 970 お気に入り

  • Red Thread of Fate original

    Red Thread of Fate



    Fūma, a cold-blooded doctor who had killed many people for revenge, no longer believed in others due to past events that happened to him. He didn't believe in love. However, it all changed when he picked up a little girl who looked like a "broken doll" with bruises and bandages all over her body. Yuki, the little girl who had to face the bitter reality of her life. She was tortured, alienated, and banished by her own family. She continued to believe that someday there would be someone who wanted and needed her, even when she was in a dying state before being discovered by Fūma. Since then, Yuki, who initially only considered Fūma as her benefactor, began to open up her heart to him. Likewise, Fūma, who originally picked Yuki just for his own sake, now began to feel different things for the little girl who was growing up. Nevertheless, both chose to hide their feelings, which resulted in frequent misunderstandings between the two of them. When they finally found out each others’ feelings, and Fūma started to believe in love, happiness, and sincerity, destiny had another plan. It actually separated the two of them. Fūma felt fooled by destiny. He vowed not to fall in love again and avenged her death. However, once again, destiny brought them together in the future. With new identities and new lives. Would they finally be together? Or would their love tragedy be repeated once again? Current release: - ***** The English version was first published on Webnovel in 2018. Revised and re-edited (published on GoodNovel) in 2023

    10 Chs 2.7k お気に入り