she just show up after twenty year later and ask tingxu to treat and respect her. whatever reason she left, i believe she has the capability to search for tingxu, not that she dont any money & power. like how can she dont know Father Jiang is gone. seem like she never look into tingxu's life at all. what a great mother she is 😏😏😏
little by little Mo Boyuan start bring Tingxu to his world.
the mother already make an entrance, that mean we will know more about their history.
couldnt agree more. communication is the key in relationship
dont think he has patience to be her neighbour for a long time. He will use their son as an excuse to crash her place anytime he want 🤣🤣🤣
Long live Granpa Mo 👏👏👏
cant wait for more interaction between them
hope this this act can ended quickly.feel so long already. it not solve the situation, sometimes making worse. now nainai will blame herself.huhu...can they just work this together?
Couldnt agree more. How can he stood watching her suffering 😩
From mortal enemy ,they will end up as best buddy ever. well not thtq kind of lovey dovey but trustworthy one 😁😁😁
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