
male LV 4

A bookworm and very otaku person XD, nothing specially interesting, it's my way of life

2018-02-12 入りました Spain
バッジ 4

Moments 2
4 years ago
Replied to MisterImmortal

I highly recommemd it to You, its awesome,and the world building character growth its simply wow xD, I got hooked up in episode 1,I hope you Like it

4 years ago

hi author-san !! I only want to say you are amazinfg and love your novel. Its the best isekai novel i have the privilege to read and i wish to make yoa a suggesstion for a future world if you want to make it. my sugesstiob would be Grimm, a TV show. I dont know if you have watched it but its an amazing series and i think Alexander could do so much good in there and obtain so much knowledge, power and artifacts. I too want him to fix thinks that went wrong with that world and make thinks better for Adalind and nick, they deserve a better future and dont such crueltys they went through. I always thought it would be great if more people knows about this series. If you could do it i would thank you to the infinite. I have full confidence in you.For those who dont know the series i specially recommend it,sympy great and awesome XD. I wish you health and happiness for you and for those close to you.