The over-exaggerated reaction from Peter gave it away, that Peter is just joking.
She blinked. "Wait, you're actually okay with it?"
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage
Wolverine stood front and center, looking annoyed as usual, like a drunk uncle. Rogue was quiet, hanging back, like a teenager forced to attend the family get together. Psylocke had that "I'm the ghost of Uchiha" energy. Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde, on the other hand, were smiling, trying to be friendly.
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage
isn't this her true form?
Eyes closed, Robert found himself lost in a strange pleasure that went beyond mere sexuality. As if covered in warmth from all sides, an embrace of a lover. His loins warmed up and stood erect, yet there was control.
Book&Literature · MrPlotThickens
sure... I'll add that in the coming chapters... and muahahaha
aaannnddd.. the crown digger is back!
Queen Sansa Baratheon. She pronounced to herself and smiled. It feels… powerful.
Book&Literature · MrPlotThickens
"You should be the new queen! Oh, yes!" Myrcella declared with sudden enthusiasm, rising from the bed. "Indeed, it's quite possible! Father often spoke of Lyanna, and he must see some resemblance to her in you. You should marry him and become the queen, and then we can both stay here together!"
Book&Literature · MrPlotThickens
Finally! Wonder if they brought any alien parasites with them.
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage
lol I know... but it was too funny I couldn't help it..
well, at the beginning I had difficulties in finding satisfactory images from the internet.. later on the pictures are from comics...
Unfortunately, Harry's comment caught Flash's attention. The school's resident bully turned in their direction, his eyes narrowing.
Marvel : Web Of Evolution
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage