wtf, your FF was great, i used to read it, name seemed familiar and it really was you.
"It's fine!" Her gloves waved frantically. "Really! I mean, you couldn't exactly see... and it was kind of nice... I mean-" She coughed. "So! Escape plan?"
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
stage left iida
"EMERGENCY EXIT IIDA!" Manga's speech bubble proclaimed. The nickname spread through the crowd like wildfire.
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
how is that a downside? it is advanced psychological warfare
She pouted. "What's wrong with Yeet?"
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
camies quotes are really uplifting, probably because of the portraied bubbly personality
there is a difference between being smart and being knowlegable
Manga's pencil hadn't stopped moving since we started. His speech-bubble head tilted at an angle that suggested intense concentration. Behind us, someone muttered equations under their breath.
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
good posture and back muscles actually add some height, for legs, more muscle adds to leg size and that extends lenght to ground while moving along the skin
The physical changes became more noticeable as weeks passed. My shoulders broadened, arms thickened with lean muscle. School uniforms grew tight across the chest, pants riding high above my ankles.
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
the worst thing to say to an angry woman
if that is true, then all that power is just a curse
In the end, Kanuk is a human with great power. Like all humans with great power, he changes. Sooner than later, he will change, whether he likes it or not.
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
a ball falls 10 meters in 1,43 seconds, which means that since he jumped up the same distance, he had 2,86 seconds of airtime and had a jumping distance of 286 meters based on his speed of 100m per second
The ice was crushed under Kanuk's jump as he soared towards the air. Kanuk jumped more than 10 meters into the air before falling into the ocean.
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
yay, i pushed stones over 1500
My Hero Academia: Izuku Reloaded
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels