"Well, rune farming it is, then," he muttered.
Video Games · Exotica_Pvt
I like the supernatural reference of what Death said to Dean.
"Hey." I call out before they could leave, both turning to face me. "It should go without saying, but don't mention anything about today around him. I put a block, I didn't erase the memory. Pick at it enough and he will start to remember."
Anime & Comics · OmniSpectra
who remembers that scene when Mori Jin made up the story of the grandma that got her purse snatched 🤣
Fang Yuan, on the other hand, didn't understand what she was thinking but he knew that it was something nonsense and she was making up a story in her mind. He knew that women's minds worked mysteriously that even grand dao won't be able to understand.
Anime & Comics · Kaoski
Tony, who was tied to the chair, looked at Raza as if he was looking at an idiot. Then he sneered and said, "Do you think I, Tony Stark, is an idiot?"
Anime & Comics · nyawdao2
Xiao Yan's face turned red and stammered for half a day, he stood motionless without a word, and finally, under Xiao Ming's shocked gaze, he turned his head and ran out.
Anime & Comics · Kisshot
"NO, I don't. He would never harm the village," His tone had held a finality. He could see Kakashi narrow his eyes.
Anime & Comics · Drkest
"Ummm sensei, most of them are new but initially, I could not perform them, as most of them are not perfected yet." At this, he pointed to the sword at his side and Kakashi also observed the blade in question. By, its appearance it was quite simple, except for the purplish hue and the thick scabbard. He picked up the blade and looked at the boy, asking for permission, not that he needed it.
Anime & Comics · Drkest
[White Handkerchief, Golden Threads]
Anime & Comics · Nine_Clouds
"Alright," he muttered under his breath, mentally running through his plan. "First objective—find the uchigatana."
Elden Ring: Tarnished Flame Vyke
Video Games · Exotica_Pvt