It means Steelbone Kong.
This was Admiral Steelbone Sora, the current leader of the navy.
Anime & Comics · harsh07
looking forward for more Author San 💯
Isn't the iron throne the best magical artifact? why hasn't the MC tried to touch it?
Really nice seeing a cricket fanfic with good story and steady update, there are hardly any good cricket fanfic out there to read. Looking forward to the future chapters. 💯
Hope u ace ur exams 🙌
Come on man if you don't like some fan fic then don't read them, comments like this discourages the Author to continue. it's hard to find any fan fic from house of the dragons, don't ruin this for the rest of us.
Nice going Author San, looking forward for more 🔥🔥
Kisame is that you
Shiro slowly turned his gaze toward the rest of the players, his cold, piercing eyes seeming to strip them bare. It was as though a giant predator had emerged on the court—a prehistoric Megalodon, terrifying and unstoppable.
NBA Skills: Dominating Kuroko no Basket
Anime & Comics · MeHudy