

LV 14
2017-12-29 入りました Global
バッジ 18

Moments 25
5 days ago

One of your best overall. If you do big chapters like this don't worry to much the pacing of this being one big chapter probably worked better then if it was broken up into 3 chapters. So overall great story and keep up the good work. I hope it is safe by you. I am also East Coast so these storms are hitting.

11 days ago

Don't worry about the monologue if you will I liked it a lot. It was great writing.

The chapter became very dense, and aside from talking about games, it was pretty useless. I'll try not to get too excited like that again, hahaha.

Creating games in the future

Creating games in the future

Others · just_a_potato_soul

12 days ago

Thanks for the chapter.

1 months ago

Great story thanks for the chapter

3 months ago

I absolutely love your work and it is one of the reason I pay for premium with this app it is a pleasure. Since we are in volume 3 technically is there any way within the contract you can make a physical book of this series. I would love to own one and as always please continue to write to your hearts content. This is a great series.

1 years ago
Replied to Jmp0330

Now something nice the character (Irene) was made very well and a lot of different things happen to make her do that i can't physically type all the different gripes but that character reminds me of a certain one from the tower of gods story. very well done and just me ranting and sharing how great of a job you are doing. We both see this story differently and i see it as not all stories have a good ending

1 years ago
Replied to Jmp0330

Firstly i have an immense hatred for Irene she betrayed him repeatedly and used/ manipulated him wheter it was the purpose or not. Such as when he would say i would fight the gods for you and she took that as a lie only for him to literally fight the gods for them and to get betrayed, he never once lied or betrayed any of them yet they repeadtly did that to him.

1 years ago

I will start my comment with a love the work you are doing and everything and I see we see the world in a different way as well as the reply on this comment from me will be overall with blunt language just a mini preface as i actually really enjoy this story and don't particularly wish for anything to be different.

1 years ago
Replied to Abadom

Awesome 😀.

1 years ago

This chapter made me reread some of the older chapters, and just an odd thought. Was whether some of the people from his second life (previous one as a researcher) like will any of the tech or people from that world try to go to this one. For some reason when the blip with his soul no longer in his body made me think about his previous life for some reason. Sorta wanna know but also sorta don't wanna.

  • The Lunatics Playground original

    The Lunatics Playground


    Eh I am new to this whole writting thing, and I just wanna let out some of the crazy that is in me and around. Got a little bit of crazy in you that you want to get rid of yourself than please join me as I write about all the weird things that come to mind. If I must go into an actualy Synopsis I believe it would go something like this. IN A WORLD where one man (Robert) was betrayed in the past by (unknown). Robert decides to set right his life by helping(taming) other betrayed people (Kittens and Dogs) throughout and control the world. Though that all changed when one of the kittens attacked. Only Robert though realised it was for a good cause. It was to take him to his sanctuary and his hopefully new eternail conquest on The Lunatics Playground. (YES I know I stole intros from other things deal with it I am wacky, but I am generaly more serious and hopefuly realistic in my writting)

    16 Chs 12 お気に入り