Yes, as long as the three of them didn't die at the same time, even if there was only one of them left, they would be okay and live once again!
Anime & Comics · akikan40
Cool, i recommend you check it yourself
Post scritum
Who would think an almighty god would use something like 'P.S.'?
Anime & Comics · wanderer12
Didn’t he got one shot by shanks 🤣
By altering Queen's Devil Fruit, how far could he boost Queen's prowess? Would it elevate him to the level of an Admiral?
Anime & Comics · Lotus_Lover
He’s already admiral level lol
By altering Queen's Devil Fruit, how far could he boost Queen's prowess? Would it elevate him to the level of an Admiral?
Anime & Comics · Lotus_Lover
He felt confused and horrible. It felt like he had just walked out of a cyber cafe after spending two days straight in it, or was a student on his way to school after spending the whole night reading a novel on his bed.
Horror · Pure Little Dragon