

male LV 12
2018-04-17 入りました Global
バッジ 8

Moments 171
3 years ago

Our boy right now:


"Aiya!" Yuan facepalmed, making a loud slapping sound. "He wants to kill you because you went ahead and confessed your love to this Xing girl? What kind of unreasonable man is this senior apprentice-brother Ren of yours?"

Cultivation Online

Cultivation Online

Games · MyLittleBrother

3 years ago
Replied to LemonZawodowiec

Is it Luna calling Dobby Mr.? She refer to him has sir in Deathly Hallow. Also the Umbugular Slashkilter thing is something she refers to in canon.

Dobby smirked, Harry turned away and muttered away about demented elves, Neville let out a snort, Hermione giggled lightly, and Luna stared the elf in wonder. Luna exclaimed, "Mr. Dobby, your outfit really keeps the Umbugular Slashkilters away."

A Tale of Time and Life

A Tale of Time and Life

Book&Literature · Quatroquatro

3 years ago
Replied to Aniket_Sharma_7677

Use some human decency and try to not insult people when trying to make a point. It makes you seem like the one without common sense.

3 years ago
Replied to Scientistx

Careful, she might just be watching you.

While sanctimoniously nodding to himself, he snapped his fingers and instantly changed to a black three-piece suit, with an emerald tie and black shoes. "Much better! I will be remiss of my station if I do not present myself properly. Proper workplace and all that jazz. Not a word to my wife Fate though, she will make me sleep in the couch for next 1000 years. Yessir!"

A Tale of Time and Life

A Tale of Time and Life

Book&Literature · Quatroquatro

3 years ago
Replied to ErozothDraeor

I don't think I went on a rant as you so eloquently put. Much of the underlying tone of the story regarding authorities have been consistent.

3 years ago
Replied to Scientistx

I am glad you think so. I believe that a truly omnipresent being like Death would in the end act less monolithic, but more simple and relatable.

The man known as death whirled around to see Harry Potter fidgeting away at his front door. With a sheepish smile he exclaimed "Ah, Mr. Potter! Welcome to my humble abode. I am Monsieur Death. And yes, my first name is Monsieur. Don't know why though. I think The Big Bang did for shits and giggles if you ask me."

A Tale of Time and Life

A Tale of Time and Life

Book&Literature · Quatroquatro

3 years ago
Replied to ErozothDraeor

You're entitled for your own opinion. Although, this comment discounts the buildup over ten chapters. I think I am representing the contradictory nature of the staff,

3 years ago
Replied to ValkoWolf

every week* not everyday

3 years ago
Replied to ValkoWolf

Good question. The answer is because I think this site suits 2000 word chapters vs. larger chapters like ff.net. In ff.net, I post 10k word chapters one a weekly level. Furthermore, I think this site requires consistency in updates, whereas in ff.net, I can afford to update everyday. By staying one chapter behind here, I can update more consistently in this website. Plus, I think more people on this site should visit ff.net as well. They got some really good fanfiction there as well. Does that answer your question?

3 years ago
Replied to ryze1988

Search my name, quatroquatro in ff.net then. Or even google quatroquatro fanfiction

  • A Tale of Time and Life original

    A Tale of Time and Life



    Struck by the Killing Curse of Lord Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, Harry Potter meets Death. Death provides him an opportunity. An opportunity that allows him to do more than survive, to finally live the life he has been deprived of. An opportunity that sends our protagonist back in time to the end of his second year. Rated M just in case. Hello there! I am quatroquatro from fanfiction.net. A reader of this novel suggested I post this novel here as well and I thought, why not? Fair warning, this story can be slower than most stories on this site. I hope you enjoy this work as much I do writing it. Note: After the first five chapters, I will only be updating 10 parts a week. The parts are usually around 2,000-2,500 words. Support me at Patreon if you like my work. As of now, I have no intention of keeping content behind tier, it will all be public. https://www.patreon.com/quatroquatro

    45 Chs 2.2k お気に入り