Mandatory 5-star review from the author. If you like my work and want to support me, check out my patréon. Thank you for all the support.
Mandatory 5-star review from the author. I hope you like my work and if you want to support my work, check out my patréon. Thanks for all the support.
no a animagus can't be a magical creature.
Since Harry was not in a hurry to become a animagus he also did the same thing, he thoroughly studied all the species of cats and tigers that he could find to incorporate all kinds of evolutionary advantages in his tiger and cat forms. It took years to incorporate everything into a single tiger and cat form but the results speak for themselves.
Book&Literature · Lucifer101
Elemental magic is completely different from elemental spells like water making spell (aguamenti), fire-making spell (incendio), etc which are technically conjuration spells. For example, the fire-making spell works by collecting the oxygen in the air to use as fuel to make a small flame, since air is so easily available even the first years can perform this spell. The water-making spell on the other hand conjures water from the nearest source or uses the humidity in the air to make water, this requires a lot more magical power than the fire-making spell that's why it is considered as a Newt level spell even though both the spells are technically the same.
Book&Literature · Lucifer101
"one with the power to vanquish the dark lord" which dark lord? "born as the seventh month dies" every year has the seventh month. The point is all prophecies are intentionally vague and it's up to interpretation. So how can one ever be sure that the prophecy came true or it is still not that time.
"Yes you did, but that doesn't change the fact that Fate made a mistake. You see the prophecy was supposed to be over the movement it started, Tom Riddle was supposed to die that day and not just turn into a spirit clinging to the living world because of his unnatural creations. You see even I, death itself doesn't desecrate mortal souls by splitting them into pieces. But fate underestimated Tom's fear of death and didn't account for his little soul anchors." Death explained.
Book&Literature · Lucifer101
He wasn't interested so he didn't touch the training broom.
All three of them were given training brooms after they turned five, Harry having experienced racing brooms before was not interested but Charlie spent a lot of time on those brooms.
Book&Literature · Lucifer101
To me, magic reserves are like stamina. A person can sprint for a few hundred meters but has to slow down after that, this doesn't mean they exhausted all of their stamina, just that their bodies can't handle being in a state of peak performance for a long time. That's why wizards are fine when it comes to their day to day life but they will feel exhausted for some time after intense duels and other such magic.
Even an adult wizard with fully matured magic will collapse in a week due to such strain on their magic and body, it can also lead to fatal magical exhaustion. So if a child with still developing magic tries something like this, then it will literally suck the life out of the child.
Book&Literature · Lucifer101
Mandatory 5 star review from the author. If you like my work and want to support me, check out my patreon. Patreon/emperordragon.
Game of Thrones:Dawn of Ice and Fire.
TV · Lucifer101