
male LV 11

I like novels...Chinese and Korean ones...Seriously, what did you expect?an essay on my life?I'm a reader not a writer(for now)P.S: I tend to get long winded(like a lot of Chinese authors it seems).

2017-11-22 入りました Italy
バッジ 7

Moments 21
1 years ago
Replied to Winter_Whisperer

Mushoku Impact, another story by this same author, specifically one set in Mushoku Tensei with some Genshin Impact characters and an OC

I included it in a poll and the community decided that EPIC and MI would be my next focus. I'm currently in the process of re-reading and updating spreadsheets, but I should have chapters of both out starting tomorrow. For those that have yet to give it a try, feel free to check out One Piece : Wild Hunt. It's temporarily on hiatus as I pick up these two stories, but it has a hundred chapters to read/enjoy.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

2 years ago

She has not just fallen, she has fallen to the bottom and then started digging deeper...

(A/N: Sarada has fallen so thoroughly into the MC's clutches, she can't possibly hope to escape xD...)

I, Your Father, Carry a Big Stick

I, Your Father, Carry a Big Stick

Anime & Comics · Einlion

2 years ago

Never have truer words been spoken

P.S. Recessions are a bitch and inflation can suck a fat one.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Anime & Comics · Einlion

2 years ago
Replied to Alibi_Lullaby


Maintaining his smile, Wu closed his eyes, memories playing within his mind like the stills of a movie as he whispered, "It all started eight years ago..."

I, Your Father, Carry a Big Stick

I, Your Father, Carry a Big Stick

Anime & Comics · Einlion

2 years ago
Replied to Joedson_Santana

+1, I agree wholeheartedly

2 years ago
Replied to ThePrsn

I don't understand how you are managing to make something like 15 comments about this situation on this chapter without even once thinking ahout the emotional side of things. They are friends, she is confessing to him and she kissed him in a NON-FORCEFUL way(as the author described) and not with any malicious thought, but because of the insecurities typical of teenagers which stop them from managing to express their emotion in a vocal way. So nervousness and shyness to make it short. Regarldess of how he reacted, and even regardless of their gender(even if their genders were switched I still think it wouldn't be rape, and anyone who does should reflect on how modern their views on relationships are), I think such a situation can't be called rape or even sexual assault(regardless of the fact that in nations like the USA this happens, but there are many things that happen in our society which are wrong, of that there is no doubt). IT IS RIGHT to think that you should ask for permission before kissing someone, and doing it in an impulsive even if non-forceful manner is stupid(note: stupid, not a crime or disgusting or demeaning for someone), but that doesn't mean you should be this aggressive toward this action. I think it in no way represents an example of sexually aggressive behaviour being justified by society's views, it is instead just the imperfect nature of humans that make us behave in sometimes stupid way, like trying to communicate our love to someone with a kiss in the mouth instead of just saying it, forgetting our behaviour may just confuse the other person. Hell, in this case they are even minors and the socially awkward interaction is even more justified, and regardless of liking the kiss or not, I feel anyone who in the same situation who would feel sexually assaulted is just some self-absorbed prick who doesn't understand how human interactions are easily prone to fallacy. I can even understand why you would dislike this character's behaviour, but just this single action doesn't prove she is a raper. Instead her train of thought just make her seem a teenager coming to a rushed decision and being swept up by her own feelings. It happens. In the real world. People don't get scarred mentally from it when it's not done by malicious people and facts are properly conveyed, trust me.

Quinn opened and closed his mouth a couple times before finally speaking, "What did you think would happen? What were expecting to accomplish by doing. . . this."

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader

2 years ago
Replied to snoopyscoob

he did specify that he would have complications "if he took the chance"

Immediately Quinn swam back up, and because he was at normal atmospheric pressure, he was able to come out quickly without complications that deep divers needed to look out when emerging from deep down below.

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader

2 years ago

achievement unlocked: addicted to EPICness

2 years ago

achievement unlocked: too much good can be bad, after all!