It started good but then it goes down the drain. Shounen BS, retarded reasons, "I'm just a normal guy" bs, etc. It went from a bit higher then normal powering up to DBZ shit. Where is the fun in reading when you know he will always win. Just pure wish fullfilment. Don't mention the "WIFE" in the 1st mission world (and how it is 16 in cannon but the author masked it by saying shes 18 because he coudn't not show his real preference).
the sky is blue
What a waste of time. Losing braincells. DROPPED!
oh man, a mention of romanian meat rolls. I feel validated
"Master Dick, I noticed a few tables with Romanian meat rolls and Italian creamy mushroom sauce. It's dinner time, so let's fill our stomachs first."
Anime & Comics · Sothisq
got the chilla
"Teach me, and I'll teach you, Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon!"
Video Games · NewComer714
Shin gazed around the audience with a warm smile, and as the anime episode unfolded on the screen, beautifully designed creatures filled the scene, accompanied by a catchy song: "I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was!"
Video Games · NewComer714
where is
Curiosity piqued, Shiruu examined the paper and found the song title to be 'Sukiyaki (Ue o Muite Arukou).' As he read the composed lyrics, excitement welled up within him, and he felt genuinely inspired. "Woah! This song is fantastic!" he exclaimed, offering his praise to Shinro.
Video Games · NewComer714
tell that to all the homeless kids
He was far from a dull guy. In his previous life, his busy schedule left him without any romantic relationships, rendering him both a virgin and childless.
Video Games · NewComer714
Unreal Tournament 2004
I want to ask you something: what is your favorite game, the one that's always at the top of your list, even if there are others with better graphics and story, they will never take first place? Mine is definitely Chrono Trigger, I know it's cliché, haha.
Creating games in the future
Others · just_a_potato_soul