It deoends on the item. If he buys a sword with CP that does not restock, come back if it's broken, or absolute in its effects, then it can probably be replicated
"Still nothing." Nicolas lowered his wand with a sigh. Blue detection magic faded from the surface of the pokéballs spread across the garden table. "These spheres really do resist analysis just like your Elixir of Life, no matter what I try."
Book&Literature · Evoxius
There's no pokemon?
This kind of thing will probably depend on the results of the poll. The next major world will be decided through one.
It was explained a couple of chapters ago.... QQ (Questionable Questing), SB (Spacebattles), SV (Sufficient Velocity) are forums where I post this just like I post it here on Webnovel. Those forums have a poll where people can vote for where he starts in the ATLA world. So for example, if 300 people in QQ voted for Sun Warriors, 20 people in SB and SV voted for Sun Warriors, the total amount of people that voted for Sun Warriors is 340. Clear now?
Vote is already over btw. But once it's time to go to the next major world, there'll be another poll on these forums
Yes, like you can see in the chapter, it says 'Total'.
Were robes ever enchanted in such a manner in canon?
"These robes." Harry pulled at the heavy material. "I still have my muggle clothes from visiting the Dursleys in my pouch." He reached for the enchanted bag at his belt. "Jeans and a t-shirt will be much better in this weather."
Book&Literature · Evoxius
Like what?
He used martial arts regularly in his early years. Since the Healthy Eating perk, his chi system evolved and he can now control his flames through mental effort instead of physical movement.
You can compare the Universal Time with this and see when he can go back
Time until Elder Blood Teleportation is available: November 26th, 1988
Young Celestial Wizard [Celestial Grimoire, Harry Potter]
Book&Literature · Evoxius