

male LV 6

Broad spectrum lover of fantasy.

2017-10-17 入りました Nigeria
バッジ 8

Moments 26
5 months ago

The author should at least try to use proper pronouns. Calls females he and males she. It's annoying to read.

8 months ago


The three people that were summoned were certainly a mixed bag of interesting but at least I recognized all of them and this might also mean that the system gives me more of what and or who I need instead of completely random, well one of them was extremely random as fuck as I only recognized her because I rewatched the movie not that long ago, the girl named Trash from 'Return of the living dead' movie.

Kill monster, get points! TWD

Kill monster, get points! TWD

TV · Westley86

9 months ago

Bold move there; with your use of that word. Wasn't really necessary cuz it makes Calvin seem like he's back to being a drug dealer before all this happened. There's also been an obvious change in your writing style since the hiatus. Still though, glad to have you back.

 Cal: Christina Barbara Reyes, will you marry me and become the only mother of our children? I promise to never reject you and you'll only see the eyes of a nigga in love in my gaze.

The Walking Dead : This Lucky Bastard

The Walking Dead : This Lucky Bastard

TV · The3Entities

10 months ago

This way if speaking is unnecessary

Ryuma gracefully sidestepped Ace's attacks, his wooden spear finding its mark on Ace's right shoulder. He offered words of guidance amid the clash. "Control yer movements, Ace! Don't let the fire within ye consume ye. Find the balance between passion and technique. Every strike ye make must have purpose!"

One Piece: Adventure of a Lifetime

One Piece: Adventure of a Lifetime

Anime & Comics · Novachrono_Agares

10 months ago

No need for the southern-way of speaking for Ace and Sabo. You can use a regular dialect.

Sabo squinted, tryin' to catch a better glimpse of the enigmatic warrior. "I reckon... I reckon I recognize him! Ain't he the bloke who lent us a hand that day? When we nearly got caught by that store owner after our dine-and-dash stunt. But what's he doin' here?"

One Piece: Adventure of a Lifetime

One Piece: Adventure of a Lifetime

Anime & Comics · Novachrono_Agares

11 months ago

Yeeeeeessssssss!!!! More, more, more. Please don't say you don't have any talent, you obviously do. Please don't stop writing. Yes, make a continuation of this fanfic, it's one of the best TWD fics I've read.

*** That was the last chapter of the essay. I hadn't planned to continue the story before because I don't have a lot of talent and I was writing several stories at the same time. If readers want a sequel then I'll write one. Thank you again for your time and reading, once again I apologize for my shortcomings in English, I have no editor. I will definitely post my essays on Game of thrones, Spartacus and Invincible ***

The Walking Dead : This Lucky Bastard

The Walking Dead : This Lucky Bastard

TV · The3Entities

11 months ago

Very good fanfic. Would recommend to any walking dead fan.

1 years ago

This was a Dogshit read...................

1 years ago

That's...not a valid reason for slashing his eyes. "Eye slashing" injustice would be something like his daughters being kidnapped, sold into slavery to a world noble and the marines refusing to save them or something along those lines. Justice did not fail in this instance.

Dad: I will no longer tolerate injustice in this world. I have held back during my time in Wano. I have turned the other cheek once, I will NEVER do so again! For you, I have blinded myself as to never show bias, to never let Injustice take place, and never let false Justice reign supreme.

Correcting Justice, One Piece

Correcting Justice, One Piece

Anime & Comics · Randomuser855

1 years ago

Incredibly good fanfic. Exciting, funny and well written. I look forward to more chapters. Author, please don't drop this, there's a lot of potential in your fic.